nuclear reactors News

Entergy Agrees to Review Fire Safety at Reactors After Federal Probe

Entergy Corp. agreed to review fire safety measures across its nuclear reactors after an investigation by federal regulators found that workers at a Louisiana plant failed to follow rules and falsified records. Contract workers at Entergy’s Waterford 3 nuclear power …

Magnitude 5.8 Earthquake Hits Japan’s Fukushima Prefecture-Kyodo

An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.8 struck Fukushima Prefecture in Japan early Friday morning, Kyodo reported, quoting the Japan Meteorological Agency. No tsunami warning has been issued, the news agency said. The focus of the quake was around …

Nuclear Accidents Pose Little Risk to U.S. Health, Say Regulators

The risk to public health from a severe nuclear power plant accident in the United States is “very small” because reactor operators should have time to prevent core damage and reduce the release of radioactive materials, U.S. nuclear regulators said …

Tokyo Electric May Need $112B: Panel

A government panel reviewing Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s restructuring efforts said the troubled utility will need to raise as much as 8.6 trillion yen ($112 billion) in funds without raising charges or restarting nuclear reactors. In a report made public …

Japan Nuclear Crisis to Trigger Huge Civil Damage Claims

Japan’s nuclear crisis is likely to lead to one of the country’s largest and most complex ever set of claims for civil damages, handing a huge bill to the fiscally strained government and debt-laden plant operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co. …

GE Unlikely to Face Liability in Japanese Nuclear Crisis

The Japanese nuclear crisis has created a public-relations headache for General Electric, but the company so far has escaped any legal fallout, and many experts expect it will continue to do so. GE designed the Mark 1 containment systems used …

Report: Engineers Knew Tsunami Could Overwhelm Fukushima Plant

U.S. Nuclear Plants to Undergo Safety Reviews

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission will conduct a “comprehensive review” of the safety of all U.S. nuclear plants following what U.S. officials are calling the dangerous and complicated situation at Japan’s damaged Fukushima Dai-ichi reactors. President Barack Obama took the rare …

Global Fears Mount as Japan Takes Desperate Measures to Cool Reactors

Operators of a quake-crippled nuclear plant in Japan dumped water on overheating reactors on Thursday while the United States expressed growing alarm about leaking radiation and urged its citizens to stay well clear of the area. While Japanese officials were …