nuclear safety News

Robot to Remove Melted Nuclear Fuel From Japan’s Damaged Fukushima Reactor

The operator of Japan’s destroyed Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant demonstrated Tuesday how a remote-controlled robot would retrieve tiny bits of melted fuel debris from one of three damaged reactors later this year for the first time since the 2011 …

Ukraine Nuclear-Plant Attacks Prompt Emergency Watchdog Meet

The United Nations atomic watchdog held an emergency meeting in Vienna to discuss the increasing risk of an accident at a Russian-occupied atomic power plant in Ukraine. International Atomic Energy Agency diplomats convened on Thursday to discuss safety at Europe’s …

Japan Earthquake Casts Cloud Over Push to Restart Nuclear Plants

The powerful earthquake that hit Japan’s western coast on New Year’s Day has underscored the country’s exposure to natural disasters, casting fresh doubt over a push to bring its nuclear capacity back online. Nuclear power plants dot the coast of …

Tokyo Court Rules Only Fukushima Operator Must Pay Compensation, Cuts Damages

A Tokyo court has ruled that only the operator of the tsunami-wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant had to pay damages to dozens of evacuees, relieving the government of responsibility. Plaintiffs criticized the ruling as belittling their suffering and the severity …

New York Plant Transfers Spent Nuclear Fuel to Dry Cask Storage

The Indian Point nuclear power plant in Buchanan, New York, has transferred all spent nuclear fuel to dry cask storage in a move towards decommissioning the plant, the New York State Department of Public Service and Indian Point Closure Task …

Maritime Industry Eyes Nuclear Power for Ships as Tech Advances; Insurers Are Wary

The maritime industry is exploring whether nuclear fuel can be used to power commercial ships as advancements in technology open up such options, industry officials said. Nevertheless, any possible nuclear fuel solutions for ships are at least 10 years away …

Removing Fukushima’s Melted Nuclear Fuel Will Be Harder Than Wastewater Release

At a small section of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant’s central control room, the treated water transfer switch is on. A graph on a computer monitor nearby shows a steady decrease of water levels as treated radioactive wastewater is diluted …

TEPCO Says Seawater Radioactivity Below Detectable Limits After Fukushima Release

Initial tests showed seawater radioactivity to be below detectable levels after the release of treated radioactive water from Japan’s Fukushima plant, its operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO), said on Friday. The seawater samples contained less than 10 becquerels of …

Why Is Japan Releasing Treated Radioactive Water and Is it Safe?

Japan began pumping more than a million metric tons of treated radioactive water from the destroyed Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant on Thursday, a process that will take decades to complete. The water was distilled after being contaminated from contact …

Japan Begins Releasing Nuclear Wastewater in Process That Could Last 30 Years

Japan started the release of treated wastewater from the Fukushima nuclear site into the Pacific Ocean in a process that could last about 30 years, triggering an immediate retaliation by China to curb seafood imports. Tokyo Electric Power Co., which …