nuclear safety News

Scientists Warn: Prepare Now for Next Nuclear Plant Accident

Three major atomic accidents in 35 years are forcing the world’s nuclear industry to stop imagining it can prevent more catastrophes and to focus instead on how to contain them. Of the 176 new reactors planned across the globe, half …

Congressional Study Finds Inconsistency in Nuclear Safety Enforcement

The number of safety violations at U.S. nuclear power plants varies dramatically from region to region, pointing to inconsistent enforcement in an industry now operating mostly beyond its original 40-year licenses, according to a congressional study awaiting release. Nuclear Regulatory …

Feds Vow More Oversight at South Carolina Nuclear Plant

Federal officials announced they are going to be doing more oversight at a South Carolina nuclear power plant that has tallied a number of incidents in recent years. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is going to keep a closer eye on …

Scientists Criticize Nuclear Plants Over Safety

More than one-third of U.S. nuclear power plants suffered safety-related incidents over the past three years, and nuclear regulators and plant operators need to improve inspections to prevent such events, the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) said in a report …

Tennesee Valley Authority Pressed for Details on Nuclear Plant Flood Safety

Nuclear power plant regulators want more specific information from Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) on how the utility plans to protect reactors in case of severe flooding. According to the Chattanooga Times Free Press, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission heard TVA’s flood …

U.S. Regulators to Issue Post-Fukushima Safety Rules

As the first anniversary of Japan’s Fukushima nuclear disaster approaches, U.S. nuclear regulators have moved to issue the first new rules to deal with safety issues raised by the world’s worst nuclear accident in 25 years, according to agency filings. …

Japan Governor Wants Nuclear Safety Pledge in Writing

Japanese governor Tokihiro Nakamura believes nuclear power is vital for the resource-poor land, but even he says the central government must put safety pledges in writing before he’ll agree to restart off-line reactors — a sign of the tough battle …

Nuclear Accidents Pose Little Risk to U.S. Health, Say Regulators

The risk to public health from a severe nuclear power plant accident in the United States is “very small” because reactor operators should have time to prevent core damage and reduce the release of radioactive materials, U.S. nuclear regulators said …

Mistakes at Tennessee Nuclear Reactor Cause Work Stoppage

Mistakes by construction workers at the Tennessee Valley Authority’s Watts Bar reactor project, described last Friday by the utility’s chief executive as potentially fatal, idled about 1,000 workers temporarily for a safety talk. TVA ordered an unpaid safety work stoppage …

U.S. Nuclear Plants Need Better Safety Against Earthquakes, Floods: Panel

An expert task force convened by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission called Japan’s nuclear disaster “unacceptable” and concluded that nuclear power plants in the U.S. need better protections for rare, catastrophic events. The series of recommendations, included in portions of a …