nuclear waste News

Contamination Fears Stoked by Water Leak at German Nuclear Site

Water is leaking into an underground nuclear waste facility in Germany creating fears about toxic contamination of groundwater and highlighting the legacy that the shuttered nuclear industry has left behind. The operator of the storage site says that salt water …

How Dangerous Is Japan’s Fukushima Nuclear Plant After 10 Years of Cleanup?

OKUMA, Japan โ€“ A decade ago, a massive tsunami crashed into the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Three of its reactors melted down, leaving it looking like a bombed-out factory. Emergency workers risked their lives trying to keep one of …

Tsunami-Wrecked Fukushima Nuclear Plant Begins Fuel Removal in Melted Reactor

The operator of the tsunami-wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant began removing fuel Monday [April 15] from a cooling pool at one of three reactors that melted down in the 2011 disaster, a milestone in what will be a decades-long process to …

Nuclear Power Industry Pushes for Fewer Inspections

The nuclear power industry is pushing the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to cut back on inspections at nuclear power plants and throttle back what it tells the public about plant problems. The agency, whose board is dominated by Trump appointees, is …

Nuclear Defense Facility Safety Board Raises Concerns Over Change in Policy

An independent safety panel that provides oversight of some of the nation’s highest risk nuclear facilities voiced concerns Tuesday that new federal policies could limit inspections and curtail access to key information. The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board peppered Energy …

Employee Sues Montana Hospital for Whistleblower Firing on Nuclear Waste

A fired Montana employee from Bozeman Deaconess Hospital has filed a lawsuit contending he was dismissed after reporting to federal authorities safety concerns involving radiation treatment and nuclear waste storage. The Bozeman Daily Chronicle reported that medical physicist Lawrence Slate …