Oasis Loss Modelling Framework News

Re/Insurers Need a Data Strategy to Build Underwriting Transformation Programs

Years of low interest rates and burgeoning catastrophe losses have accelerated the hardening of the reinsurance market, as the January 2021 renewals clearly demonstrated, and moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has worsened the “lower for longer” interest rate environment. Considering suboptimal …

JBA Risk Management Launches Probabilistic Global Flood Model

The global leader in flood risk management, JBA Risk Management, launched the first probabilistic global flood model, which allows re/insurers to model river and surface water flood at 30 meters (98.4 feet) resolution worldwide. The Global Flood Model not only …

JBA Broadens Access to Sri Lanka Flood Model to Help Bridge Protection Gap

JBA Risk Management has released its Sri Lanka Flood Model onto Simplitium’s ModEx platform. The initiative is specifically aimed at broadening accessibility to the Sri Lanka model for both the insurance and wider disaster risk reduction (DRR) community. The announcement …

Oasis Loss Modelling Framework Offered Open Source, Free of Charge

Not-for-profit catastrophe modeling platform “Oasis Loss Modelling Framework” announced that all components of its catastrophe modeling software are now open source and downloadable from GitHub, free of charge. This step means that Oasis is making sophisticated catastrophe modeling more accessible …

Oasis Consortium of 21 Insurers, Brokers Launches Independent Cat Model

The Oasis Loss Modelling Framework has unveiled what it describes as “the most significant development in the modelling of natural catastrophe losses for 20 years”— the launch of an independent, global, open framework for use by any party with an …