Obama News

Earth Day, Climate Change and Drought

As much of the U.S. and the rest of the planet celebrated Earth Day, California politicos and leaders squabbled over how best to deal with the ongoing drought – which may or may not be caused by climate change, depending …

Obama Tightens Sanctions on Banks Helping Iran Sell Oil

President Barack Obama announced new U.S. sanctions on Tuesday against foreign banks that help Iran sell its oil and said the measure would increase pressure on Tehran for failing to meet its international nuclear obligations. Obama’s decision, in an executive …

Tackling Euro Zone Crisis is Top Priority for G8 Leaders

Leaders of major industrial economies meet this weekend to try to tackle a full-blown crisis in Europe where fears are growing that Greece could leave the euro zone bloc, threatening the future of the common currency. President Barack Obama, the …

Group Urges Obama to Address Flood Insurance in State of Union Address

A coalition of business and environmental groups is calling on President Obama to use his upcoming State of the Union address to urge Congress to reform the nation’s debt-ridden flood insurance program. The U.S. House of Representatives has passed a …

U.S. Offering Small Businesses Free Cyber Security Tool

The U.S. government is making it easier for small businesses to beef up defenses against cyber criminals through a free, online tool, the top U.S. communications regulator said Monday. The Small Biz Cyber Planner will allow business owners to create …

Federal Appeals Court Upholds Individual Health Insurance Mandate

A U.S. appeals court on Wednesday upheld President Barack Obama’s landmark healthcare law that requires Americans to buy insurance as constitutional, an early victory for the White House. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit, based in Cincinnati, …

President Obama Consoles Tornado-Ravaged Missouri City

Exactly a week after the Missouri city of Joplin was nearly leveled by the deadliest tornado to strike the U.S in decades, President Barack Obama visited to offer hope to survivors and promises of help. On May 29, Obama came …

Visitors Raise Irish Hopes for an End to Financial Crisis

The people of Ireland cheered up a bit following the back to back visits of Great Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II, and the President of the United States, Barack Obama, or O’bama as the name appeared in Ireland. No, neither visitor …

White House to Propose Cybersecurity Legislation

White House officials Thursday planned to unveil a major legislative proposal aimed at improving U.S. cybersecurity and protecting the economy, an administration official said. The proposal is the result of two and one-half years of work. U.S. computers have long …

Federal Appeals Court Questions Virginia Challenge to Healthcare Law

A U.S. appeals court Tuesday sharply questioned whether the state of Virginia could challenge President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare law, which requires Americans to buy insurance in a bid to slow healthcare costs. The Obama administration is trying to save …