Obamacare birth control benefit News

Supreme Court Supports Employers’ Religious Rights in Contraception, Teacher Employment

The U.S. Supreme Court struck two blows for religious rights, including a decision that upholds Trump administration rules giving employers a broad right to refuse to offer birth control through their health plans. The justices also gave religious organizations a …

Split Supreme Court in Search of Birth Control Benefit Compromise

The U.S. Supreme Court called for additional briefing in a divisive clash over contraceptives and Obamacare, issuing an unusual order that suggests at least one justice may be eyeing a possible compromise. The order comes less than a week after …

Supreme Court Reopens Notre Dame Bid to Bypass Birth Control Coverage

The U.S. Supreme Court told a lower court to reconsider whether the University of Notre Dame must comply with Obama administration regulations for the Affordable Care Act that aim to ensure contraceptive coverage for employees and students. The order gives …

Food Company Wins Religious Exemption from Contraception Benefit

Fresh Unlimited Inc. won’t have to provide contraceptive coverage for its employees under the Obama administration’s healthcare reform law, in what may be the first exemption granted since a June U.S. Supreme Court ruling. The parent of Freshway Foods on …

Catholic Broadcaster Wins Birth Control Benefit Reprieve After Hobby Lobby Ruling

Citing a U.S. Supreme Court opinion issued Monday, a federal appeals court temporarily barred the federal government from forcing an Alabama-based Catholic broadcasting network to comply with a law requiring them to cover contraceptives for women. A federal judge last …

Supreme Court to Weigh Religious Exemption from Birth Control Mandate Next Week

Hobby Lobby Stores Inc.’s 600 U.S. craft shops close each Sunday, posting a notice that employees are spending the day with their families and at worship. It’s a visible sign that the company is as focused on honoring God as …

Supreme Court Grants Nuns Compromise on Obamacare Birth Control Benefit

The U.S. Supreme Court said an order of Catholic nuns, for now, doesn’t have to fill out an Obama administration form that the religious group says might lead to contraceptive coverage for its employees. The justices on Friday said the …

Judge Rejects Catholic Church Challenge to Obamacare Birth Control Coverage

The Catholic Church isn’t harmed by the U.S. Affordable Care Act’s requirement for providing employees with insurance coverage for contraceptives, a judge ruled, throwing out most of a lawsuit challenging the provision. U.S. District Judge Amy Jackson in Washington last …

New York Catholic Groups Win Challenge to Obamacare Birth Control Mandate

A group of Catholic health and educational organizations doesn’t have to comply with federal Affordable Care Act requirements to ensure employees receive insurance coverage for contraceptives, a New York federal judge ruled. U.S. District Judge Brian Cogan in Brooklyn, New …

Courts Split Over Health Care Law Birth Control Coverage Mandate

A requirement of President Barack Obama’s health care law that group insurance plans cover contraceptives may violate religious freedom, a U.S. appeals court said, widening a split among the circuits and making it more probable the U.S. Supreme Court will …