Obamacare birth control benefit News

Obama Administration Issues Contraceptive Rule For Faith-Based Employers

The Obama administration on Friday issued its final rule requiring health insurance coverage of contraceptives for the employees of religiously affiliated universities, hospitals and other institutions, just as the new policy faces mounting legal challenges. Officials said the rule does …

Court Grants Indiana Employer Relief from Contraceptive Coverage Mandate

An Indiana company has won temporary court relief from having to provide its employees with coverage for contraceptives and other birth-control procedures, as mandated under the 2010 healthcare overhaul. By a 2-1 vote, a panel of the 7th U.S. Circuit …

Catholic Bishops Reject Obama Compromise on Contraception Coverage

U.S. Roman Catholic bishops on Thursday rejected the Obama Administration’s latest bid for compromise over a hotly disputed health policy that requires employees at religiously affiliated institutions to have access to insurance coverage for contraceptives. Cardinal Timothy Donlan of New …

Obama Offers Compromise on Birth Control Insurance Coverage

The Obama administration on Friday sought to settle a dispute with religious leaders over whether employees at faith-affiliated universities, hospitals and other institutions should have access to health insurance coverage for contraceptives. The new set of proposals would instead guarantee …

Lawsuits Against Birth Control Benefit Appear Supreme Court Bound

The legal challenges over religious freedom and the birth control coverage requirement in President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul appear to be moving toward the U.S. Supreme Court. Faith-affiliated charities, hospitals and universities have filed dozens of lawsuits against the …