Obamacare premiums News

Insurers Seeking Major Premium Hikes for Obamacare Plans in 2019

The first glimpse of what health insurance companies plan to charge for Obamacare plans next year suggests there’s no relief ahead for consumers saddled with high premiums. Several insurers in Maryland and Virginia are seeking double-digit percentage increases in monthly …

Today Is Deadline for 2016 Healthcare Enrollment Under Obamacare

Rising premiums and shaken faith among insurers have cast a cloud over sign-up season for President Barack Obama’s health care law, and now it’s crunch time again. Tuesday is the deadline for millions of uninsured procrastinators to sign up in …

Businesses Find Costs of Affordable Care Act No Big Deal

The biggest entitlement legislation in a generation is causing barely a ripple in corporate America. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act — otherwise known as Obamacare — is putting such a small dent in the profits of U.S. companies …

Private Premiums Under Affordable Care Act 15% Below Forecast, Says CBO

The health law will cost $104 billion less over the next decade, the Congressional Budget Office said after premiums for private Obamacare plans came in lower than the agency expected. The premium for a benchmark “silver” level plan, the second-most …

Average Obamacare Premiums Will Be Lower Than Projected

By Julie Appleby and Phil Galewitz Kaiser Health News Staff Writers Just days before new online health insurance markets are set to open, the Obama administration Wednesday released a look at average premiums, saying rates in most states are lower …

Obamacare Premiums Called Affordable in 17-State Survey

A 25-year-old New Yorker earning $25,000 a year will pay as little as $62 a month for health insurance next year, and a peer living in Vermont may pay nothing, according to a 17-state survey of premiums under the U.S. …

Politics Driving Obamacare Premium Debate

With the Oct. 1 date for enrollment in the health insurance exchanges being created by Obamacare less than two months away, a war of numbers has been escalating. Health insurance will cost way less. Or it will cost way more. …