Obamacare rollout News

Death Spiral Unlikely for Obamacare: Study

A threat to America’s health insurance overhaul has been that young people would not buy coverage in new marketplaces, possibly pushing the program into a disastrous spiral of falling enrollment and rising premiums. But this worst-case scenario is looking more …

Healthcare.gov Attracts 800,000 Visitors As Operation Improves

More than 800,000 visitors gave the hobbled Obamacare website another chance as the government continued to work on software repairs, including a fix to the system that sends customer data to insurers. The rush yesterday to healthcare.gov followed a Dec. …

Is Obamacare Headed for Death Spiral?

Another week has passed, which apparently means that it’s time for another terrifying article from Sharon LaFraniere, Ian Austen and Robert Pear on the federal health-care exchanges. Federal contractors have identified most of the main problems crippling President Obama’s online …