Obamacare subsidies News

Affordable Care Act Cost Estimate Drops Due to Lower Subsidies, Enrollment

U.S. Congressional forecasters on Monday once again cut their estimate of Affordable Care Act health insurance coverage costs, citing unexpectedly less spending on premium subsidies and lower enrollment rates through exchanges set up under the 2010 reform. The $142 billion …

3 GOP Senators’ OpEd: Keep Obamacare Subsidies Temporarily

Senior Republican senators said Sunday that Congress would extend Obamacare health insurance subsidies for a “transitional period” should the Supreme Court rule that they aren’t allowed in at least 34 states. Meanwhile, Republicans would design an alternative policy for those …

Affordable Care Act Subsidy Cost Estimate Lowered

Obamacare will cost 7 percent less than expected over the next decade for federal subsidies to help lower-income people pay for private health insurance, congressional researchers said on Monday. A report by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) said insurance …

Administration Seeks Full Court Review of Obamacare Subsidies Ruling

The Obama administration asked the full U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington to reconsider a three- judge panel’s ruling that customers on the federal marketplace authorized by the healthcare overhaul are ineligible for subsidies to buy insurance. “The text, structure …

Supreme Court Could Get Obamacare Subsidies Question

The U.S. Supreme Court may not be done with Obamacare yet. With appellate courts reaching opposite conclusions on the same day about a crucial financing provision of the 2010 law, a third showdown before the justices is probable. Splits among …

Same Day, Different Court Obamacare Subsidies Upheld

Two U.S. appeals courts reached opposite conclusions on the legality of a key financing provision of the Affordable Care Act, increasing the chance of another showdown at the Supreme Court over President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare law. In majority ruling …

Court Rules Against Obamacare Subsidies for Federal Exchange Insureds

President Barack Obama’s healthcare overhaul suffered a potentially crippling blow as a U.S. appeals court ruled the government can’t give financial assistance to anyone buying coverage on the insurance marketplace run by federal authorities. The decision, if it withstands appeals, …