Obamacare tax News

Republican States’ Court Fight to End Obamacare Begins as Midterm Politics Heat Up

A Republican-led lawsuit seeking to nullify Obamacare will be spotlighted in court in the final months of congressional election campaigns, giving Democrats political fodder and sending GOP candidates in competitive races looking for cover. Oral arguments seeking to block the …

‘Cadillac’ Tax Opponents Unimpressed with Obama Budget Fix

President Barack Obama is having a tough time winning friends for his Cadillac tax. His plan to dial back the unpopular Obamacare tax on high- cost health plans, to be detailed in the fiscal 2017 budget he’ll release Feb. 9, …

Democratic Presidential Candidates Oppose Obamacare’s ‘Cadillac’ Tax

While Republican presidential candidates debate the best way to repeal and replace Obamacare, Democrats have a different issue to work out: what to do about the law’s excise tax on high-cost employer-based health care plans. Last month, Hillary Clinton called …

Here’s What’s Happening to Healthcare Costs for Typical Family

The cost of healthcare for a typical American family of four will rise about 6.3 percent this year, or $1,456, driven in great measure by higher prescription drug prices. The latest study by the consulting and actuarial firm Milliman Inc. …

Obamacare Tax Stalls ‘Cadillac’ Health Plans

Large employers are increasingly putting an end to their most generous health-care coverage as a tax on “Cadillac” insurance plans looms closer under Obamacare. Employees including bankers at JPMorgan Chase & Co. and college professors at Harvard University are seeing …

Businesses Ask IRS to Clarify Obamacare Investment Tax

Businesses and wealthy owners of estates and trusts asked the IRS on Tuesday for changes to a part of President Barack Obama’s 2010 healthcare law that has received comparatively little attention: a 3.8 percent tax on investment income intended to …