Obamacare News

Georgia Unlikely to Run Health Insurance Exchange: Gov. Deal

A day after Barack Obama’s re-election, Gov. Nathan Deal suggested that he will not implement a Georgia health insurance exchange as part of the 2010 federal health care overhaul that ranks as the president signature legislative achievement. Deal told The …

Insurance Agents and the 2012 Election: Interview with Big I CEO Rusbuldt

When it comes to the 2012 presidential election, insurance agents have, as industry insiders like to say, “skin in the game.” In addition to being concerned with how the overall economy will perform under either a re-elected President Barack Obama …

Health Insurers Nervous Over Prospect of Romney Victory

You’d think health insurance CEOs would be chilling the bubbly with Republican Mitt Romney’s improved election prospects, but instead they’re in a quandary. Although the industry hates parts of President Barack Obama’s health care law, major outfits such as UnitedHealth …

Expert: Idaho Has No Time For State Exchange

Idaho has run out of time to establish a state-run insurance exchange required by President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul, meaning working with the federal government on a solution is virtually unavoidable. That’s according to a consultant advising a 13-member …

Americans Do Not Expect Total Repeal of Health Care Law: Poll

They may not like it, but they don’t see it going away. About 7 in 10 Americans think President Barack Obama’s health care law will go fully into effect with some changes, ranging from minor to major alterations, an Associated …

‘One Way or Another’ Agencies See Growth in Group Health

“One way or another.” Is that the best way to describe a sound investment strategy nowadays? Yes. If you’re talking about the growing number of agencies investing in group health benefits offerings. It’s the attitude being echoed by more and …

After Court Rules, Idaho Has Dilemma Over Exchange

Incensed over “Obamacare,” Idaho lawmakers last session snubbed $20 million from the federal government earmarked for an insurance exchange and refused even to make baby steps toward establishing this online marketplace for individuals and small companies to shop for coverage. …

Florida Won’t Implement Medicaid Expansion, Health Exchange

Florida Gov. Rick Scott said his state will opt out of implementing optional portions of the Affordable Care Act that deal with expanding Medicaid and building a public insurance exchange to sell coverage. He said that Florida will implement the …

Republican Leaders Vow Healthcare Law Repeal

The two top Republicans in Congress vowed on Sunday to push ahead with efforts to repeal President Barack Obama’s healthcare law despite the Supreme Court upholding it, but the White House said it is time to stop fighting and start …

Corporate Winners, Losers Under Supreme Court Healthcare Ruling

Hospitals and insurers providing Medicaid plans for the poor emerged as the main corporate winners from the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to uphold President Barack Obama’s healthcare law, while investors in large insurers were left deflated. The ruling paves the …