Obamacare News

Why Chief Justice Roberts Saved Obama’s Healthcare Law

In the end, it all came down to Chief Justice John Roberts, the sphinx in the center chair, who in a stunning decision wove together competing rationales to uphold President Barack Obama’s healthcare plan. Roberts’ action instantly upended the conventional …

Jones Praises Supreme Court, Calls for Health Rate Reviews

California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones praised the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on Thursday to uphold the Affordable Care Act – and he took the opportunity to state his support for health rate hike reviews in California. “The passage of the …

Supreme Court to Deliver Obama Healthcare Ruling

The U.S. Supreme Court is set to deliver on Thursday its ruling on President Barack Obama’s 2010 healthcare overhaul, his signature domestic policy achievement, in a historic case that could hand him a huge triumph or a stinging rebuke just …

Today’s Supreme Court Healthcare Ruling: Possible Scenarios, Effects

The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on President Barack Obama’s 2010 healthcare law, expected on Thursday, may have wide-ranging political and economic implications. Here is a look at possible scenarios for Americans, healthcare providers, insurers, the law and the presidential campaign. …

Undoing Health Care Law Could Produce Ripple Effects

It sounds like a silver lining. Even if the Supreme Court overturns President Barack Obama’s health care law, employers can keep offering popular coverage for the young adult children of their workers. But here’s the catch: The parents’ taxes would …

Health Insurer UnitedHealth Vows to Keep Reforms Whatever Court Decides

UnitedHealth Group Inc., the largest U.S. health insurer by market value, said it would maintain the health coverage protections included in President Barack Obama’s healthcare law regardless of how the Supreme Court rules on the legislation. The Supreme Court is …

Small Firms’ Health Insurance Tax Break Disappoints

It seemed like a good idea at the time. But a health insurance tax credit for small businesses, part of President Barack Obama’s health care law that gets strong support in public opinion polls, has turned out to be a …

Consumer Rebates Under Medical Loss Ratio Estimated to Be $1.3 Billion

More than 3 million health insurance policyholders and thousands of employers will share $1.3 billion in rebates this year, thanks to President Barack Obama’s health care law, according to a nonpartisan research group. The rebates should average $127 for the …

What to Expect If Supreme Court Strikes Down Obamacare

If the Supreme Court strikes down President Barack Obama’s health care law, employers and insurance companies — not the government — will be the main drivers of change over the next decade and maybe even longer. They’ll borrow some ideas …

Republicans Prepare Should Supreme Court Overturn Healthcare Plan

Republicans in Congress are getting ready to answer an election-year question that has dogged the party’s campaign for months: How would it replace President Barack Obama’s healthcare law if the measure is overturned or repealed? House Republicans are working to …