Obamacare News

Supreme Court Begins Healthcare Law Debate

Two years after President Barack Obama signed into law a healthcare overhaul, the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday took up a historic test of whether it is valid under the country’s Constitution. The sweeping law intended to transform healthcare for …

Idaho Likely To Spurn Federal Cash For Exchange

With the 2012 session half over, opposition from the Legislature’s conservatives has all but ended Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter’s plan for using a $20.3 million federal grant for a state-run insurance exchange required by Congress’ health care overhaul. Discussions between …

Healthcare Individual Mandate Too Weak to Matter, Aetna CEO Says

Wall Street’s concern about the U.S. Supreme Court’s looming decision on President Obama’s healthcare overhaul is overblown because the provision at the heart of the law already has little teeth, the top executive at Aetna Inc. said. The court in …

C-SPAN Seeks to Broadcast Supreme Court Healthcare Case

A U.S. cable TV network and a senior Republican senator asked the Supreme Court Tuesday to allow its first live broadcast when it hears arguments in the legal dispute over President Barack Obama’s sweeping healthcare overhaul law. In a letter …

Supreme Court to Hear Healthcare Law in March

The Supreme Court agreed Monday to decide the fate of President Barack Obama’s healthcare law, with an election-year ruling due by July on the U.S. healthcare system’s biggest overhaul in nearly 50 years. The decision had been widely expected since …

Appeals Court Upholds Obama Healthcare Law

President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare law got a boost Tuesday when a U.S. appeals court agreed with a lower court that dismissed a challenge and found the law’s minimum coverage requirement was constitutional. The U.S. Appeals Court for the District …

Lawyers for Obama, 26 States Square Off Over Healthcare Law

Lawyers for President Barack Obama and plaintiffs representing 26 states presented oral arguments Wednesday in an appeal over the government’s healthcare reform law, a contentious cornerstone of Obama’s presidency. Here are the central arguments presented to the 11th Circuit Court …

U.S. Court in Georgia to Hear States’ Healthcare Law Challenge Today

A U.S. appeals court in Atlanta will hear a lawsuit Wednesday challenging the constitutionality of the healthcare reforms signed into law by President Barack Obama a year ago. The suit, filed by more than half the states, could reach the …

U.S. Cuts Premiums for High Risk Plans, Begins Paying Brokers

Premiums for new federal health insurance plans that cover high-risk people with pre-existing conditions will drop by as much as 40 percent, federal health regulators said Tuesday. The government also will begin paying brokers and agents for connecting people with …

Supreme Court Denies Fast Track for Healthcare Law Challenge

The Supreme Court refused Monday to speed up a ruling on President Barack Obama’s healthcare overhaul, his signature domestic achievement that has provoked a fierce political and legal battle. The justices rejected the state of Virginia’s request to invoke a …