Obamacare News

More People Have Health Insurance in Oklahoma but Uninsured Rate Still High

A new federal study shows the number of Oklahomans without health insurance has fallen by 6 percent since 2010, but the state still has one of the highest percentages of uninsured residents in the country. The study released this week …

Midwest States See Gains in Health Insurance Coverage

Several Midwest states report significant drops in the number of residents without health insurance. New data shows nearly 200,000 Wisconsin residents gained some form of health insurance between 2013 and 2015. In Illinois, under the Affordable Care Act, the number …

Insurer Competition Vital for Healthcare Consumers: U.S. Health Official

The Obama administration’s top health official highlighted the importance of competition to insurance markets, as the Justice Department is poised to decide on two massive deals among four of the health-plan industry’s biggest players. Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia …

Pittsburgh-Based Highmark Sues Federal Government Over ACA Payments

Pittsburgh-based health insurer Highmark Inc. is suing the federal government saying it’s owed about $223 million under the Affordable Care Act for losses in 2014. Highmark filed the lawsuit in a Washington federal claims court on Tuesday. The health insurer …

Changing Directions, Oklahoma Eyes Medicaid Expansion

Despite bitter resistance in Oklahoma for years to President Barack Obama’s healthcare overhaul, Republican leaders in this conservative state are now confronting something that alarms them even more: a huge $1.3 billion hole in the budget that threatens to do …

Massachusetts Law That Became Model for Affordable Care Act Turns 10

Massachusetts is marking the tenth anniversary of a landmark health care law that later served as a model for the federal Affordable Care Act. Then-Republican Gov. Mitt Romney was joined by Democratic leaders including the late Sen. Edward Kennedy when …

Big Health Insurers Still View Obamacare as Big Opportunity

Slipping enrollment and struggling competitors have done little to shake the faith that the nation’s biggest health insurers have placed in the Affordable Care Act’s public insurance exchanges. Aetna executives said last week that the exchanges, a key element in …

Democratic Presidential Candidates Oppose Obamacare’s ‘Cadillac’ Tax

While Republican presidential candidates debate the best way to repeal and replace Obamacare, Democrats have a different issue to work out: what to do about the law’s excise tax on high-cost employer-based health care plans. Last month, Hillary Clinton called …

N.H. Seeks to Update Insurance Rules for Health Care Provider Networks

The New Hampshire Insurance Department is moving forward with changing its rules for health care provider networks, but some insurance companies aren’t yet sold on a key part of the proposed approach. Department officials say the rules are ripe for …

Q&A: As Obama Health Law Survives, Republicans Divided Over Next Move

Having lost their latest war against President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul, Republicans must decide how to wage battles that could fan the issue for the 2016 elections. Last month’s Supreme Court decision upholding the statute’s federal subsidies, which help …