Obamacare News

Idaho Insurance Agents Leery Of Exchange’s Promise

Insurance agents are still waiting to be convinced Idaho’s insurance exchange will benefit their businesses, though the board that established this Internet marketplace for individual and small business coverage sought to make sure they could still earn commissions. The exchange …

Technology, Not Presidents, Drives Healthcare Costs

Last week I attended Brookings Papers on Economic Activity to watch some of the smartest economists in America debate some of the most interesting papers. The very first paper presented is of particularly timely interest: “Is This Time Different? The …

Local Firms in Pennsylvania Take ‘Wait and See’ Approach to Health Care Law

The mandate that large employers provide health care coverage to their employees has been put off until 2015, but some businesses have already started changing health care benefits. Still, many local employers in Bucks County, Penn., say they have little …

Employers Making Benefit Changes Under Cover of Obamacare

Barack Obama wanted to change American health-care as we know it. And he is, in ways that go far beyond the goals of the Affordable Care Act. For weeks, headlines have cataloged the upheaval at private employers: UPS dropping coverage …

Obama Administration Offers Healthcare Law Security Measures

The Obama administration will announce measures to reassure Americans about the privacy and security of the information they submit when they sign up for insurance under President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare law, officials said on Wednesday. The administration plans to …

How Investors View Obamacare Enrollment

Investors expect 4 million Americans to initially enroll in the state insurance marketplaces created under President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act, according to a survey released on Monday, as concerns mount that technical glitches could present obstacles to enrollment. The …

For Small Companies in New York, Health Care Law Raises Questions

Restaurant owners Colleen and Tim Holmes were considering opening a third business in a growing upstate New York suburb but decided against it. One factor was the risk from expanding their staff beyond 50 full-time employees and having to provide …

How Agents, Brokers Can Help Themselves, Clients with Healthcare Reform

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has accelerated change and confusion in the health insurance marketplace and businesses and individuals are counting on their insurance agents and brokers to help them understand the nitty-gritty of the ACA requirements. For many property/casualty …

No Penalty for Employers Not Telling Employees About Obamacare

Employers will not face a penalty if they fail to inform their workers by Oct 1 about changes under President Barack Obama’s healthcare law, the administration said, in what will likely come as a relief to many small businesses. The …

Poll Finds Skepticism But Suggests Healthy Young Adults May Keep Obamacare Afloat

Korey Kormick, 29, has not had health insurance for at least a decade. His job, as a contract employee directing chess tournaments and coaching kids in the fundamentals of the game, doesn’t offer it, and he hasn’t been able to …