Obamacare News

Will Young Adults Sign Onto Obamacare?

If uninsured young Americans shun the new health plans offered under President Barack Obama’s healthcare reform law, it will be because the insurance costs too much and not because they don’t expect to need much medical care, according to a …

Republican Sen. McConnell Calls for Delay in Obamacare Insurance Exchanges

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell on Monday called on the Obama administration to delay the Oct. 1 opening of exchanges where uninsured Americans will be able to buy health insurance until the U.S. government can guarantee the protection of people’s …

Blue Cross ‘Stores’ Offering Uninsureds Information on Obamacare Changes, Options

Just down from the Target and Gander Mountain big-box stores and between a nail salon and dental office in Morrisville, North Carolina’s largest health insurer opened its first retail store. It has some exercise offerings — step aerobics classes and …

Will Obamacare Really Hurt Workers?

A top U.S. healthcare official on Thursday challenged claims by Republican lawmakers that the country’s healthcare reform law is causing workers to lose hours or benefits, saying she is aware of only isolated cutbacks. At a stormy House of Representatives …

How Health Law Could Affect Medical Professional Liability

The U.S. medical professional liability (MPL) market has been profitable in recent years but challenges await MPL insurers because an influx of newly insured patients, coupled with health care delivery system changes, could expand the risks MPL insurers face. The …

Administration Says Obamacare to Lower Insurance Premiums More Than Forecast

Hoping to gain the high ground in an escalating war of words over Obamacare, the U.S. administration on Thursday forecast sharply lower than expected insurance costs for consumers and small businesses in new online state healthcare exchanges. A report by …

Fraud Fear Raised In California’s Health Exchange

Consumer groups are worried that California’s uninsured could fall victim to fraud, identity theft or other crimes by some of the very people who are supposed to help them. More than 21,000 enrollment counselors will be hired to provide consumers …

Walgreen, Blue Cross to Aid in Educating Public on Obamacare

Walgreen Co., the biggest U.S. drugstore chain, agreed to join with the largest federation of health insurers to promote the Affordable Care Act, lending a hand as the Obama administration strains to win over the public. The Blue Cross Blue …

Employers Welcome Delay in Obamacare Mandate; Workers, States Concerned

While businesses hailed President Barack Obama’s decision to delay penalizing companies that fail to offer benefits under the health law, workers and states may struggle with the uncertain aftermath. In postponing the mandate for a year, the president has lessened …

Employer Health Insurance Mandate Delayed Until 2015

The Obama administration will delay a crucial provision of its signature health care law, giving businesses an extra year to comply with a requirement that they provide their workers with insurance. The government will postpone enforcement of the so-called employer …