occupational health and safety News

Judge Hears Atlantic City Casino Workers’ Anti-Smoking Lawsuit

A group of Atlantic City casino workers asked a judge Monday to ban smoking in the gambling halls, citing the toxic effects of working in a “poisonous” atmosphere, while the state said ending smoking could jeopardize a half-billion-dollar pot of …

Hazard Assessments Lag at Restaurant Companies: Marsh

Formal hazard assessments at restaurants are key in reducing worker injuries and insurance claims. In recent years, however, a sizeable number of companies have not conducted the required inspections. According to a Marsh survey, 49% of companies haven’t conducted a …

Study Links Exposure to Formaldehyde at Work to Cognitive Problems Later

A new study suggests that long-term exposure to formaldehyde during work may be associated with cognitive impairment later on. A variety of jobs expose people to formaldehyde, a strong-smelling gas used in manufacturing wood and chemical products, plastics and in …

Notre Dame Fire Reveals Global Safety Lapse Over Dangers of Lead Dust

PARIS (AP) — It took a blaze that nearly destroyed Paris’ most famous cathedral to reveal a gap in global safety regulations for lead, a toxic building material found across many historic cities. After the Notre Dame fire in April …

Workplace Quality, Not One Factor, Determines Worker Health, Job Safety: Study

The terms and conditions of employment — including pay, hours, schedule flexibility and job security — influence employees’ overall health as well as their risk of being injured on the job, according to new research from the University of Washington. …

Role of Workplace Hazards in Most Lung Diseases Is Overlooked: Researchers

More than 1 in 10 people with a range of non-cancerous lung diseases may be sick as a result of inhaling vapors, gas, dust or fumes at work, according to a joint American Thoracic Society and the European Respiratory Society …

Research Suggests Marijuana Users More Likely to Be Fired or Laid Off

As U.S. rates of marijuana use continue to rise, workers who use marijuana may be at higher risk of losing their jobs. Job loss may be an overlooked social cost of marijuana use, according to the new research by Cassandra …

Coming Soon: New Global Workplace Safety Standard

For workplace safety professionals, March 12 is a big date. On that date, the world will learn of a new global standard for safer workplaces that has been in development for five years and involved input from more than 75 …

Study Links Obesity to Higher Workers’ Compensation Costs

Obese and overweight workers are more likely to incur high costs related to workers’ compensation claims for major injuries, reports a study in the September Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, official publication of the American College of Occupational and …

Work Comp Bureau Funding Workplace Safety Research at Ohio Universities

The state Bureau of Workers’ Compensation has awarded two Ohio universities with money to research occupational health and safety. The grants support research in how injuries can prevented in the workplace and ways to improve the health and productivity Ohio’s …