ohio supreme court News

VW to Appeal Court Ruling That Clean Air Act Doesn’t Bar State Suit Over Emissions

Ohio’s Supreme Court on Tuesday cleared the way for the state’s attorney general to move forward with a lawsuit against Volkswagen AG over its “Dieselgate” scandal and manipulation of emissions-control systems. The court ruled 6-1 that the federal Clean Air …

Armed School Employees Require Training, Ohio Supreme Court Says

School districts that allow employees to be armed must also require police-level training for those workers, a divided Ohio Supreme Court ruled on June 23 in a victory for a group of parents who challenged a local district’s armed employee …

Ohio High Court: Private Company Workers Can’t Sue Over Urine Tests

Private company workers who provide drug test urine samples under direct observation can’t sue over invasion of privacy, a divided Ohio Supreme Court ruled on Aug. 26. The court’s 4-3 decision overturned a lower-court decision that had sided with two …

Caffeine Bought Online Killed Ohio Teen. Is Amazon at Fault?

Logan Stiner was just days from high school graduation when his brother found him unresponsive in their family’s home southwest of Cleveland, Ohio, in May 2014. Stiner, 18, died of cardiac arrhythmia and seizure from acute caffeine toxicity, a coroner …

Ohio Supreme Court: ‘Dangerous Dog’ Label Not Needed for Prosecution

A dog suspected of posing a danger to people does not have to carry an official “dangerous dog” label under state law for prosecutors to charge an owner for violating the law, the Ohio Supreme Court has ruled. As long …

Ohio Court to Consider Teacher Liability in Bullying Case

The Ohio Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case over whether educators were reckless in failing to prevent an injury to a student even though they had been notified she was being bullied by a fellow kindergartner. The court …

Ohio Supreme Court: Subcontractor’s Faulty Work Not Covered by Contractor’s Policy

The Ohio Supreme Court in early October ruled that a general contractor’s commercial general liability policy does not cover the faulty work of a subcontractor. In its consideration of Ohio N. Univ. v. Charles Constr. Servs., Inc., the court relied …

Ohio Supreme Court: Apology Expressing Fault Can’t Be Used in Lawsuits

The Ohio Supreme Court has ruled that an apology by a medical provider that includes an admission of liability can’t be used in a later lawsuit against the provider. At issue in the court’s Tuesday decision was the state’s “apology …

Ohio’s High Court Again Upholds Cities’ Use of Traffic Cameras

The Ohio Supreme Court on July 26 upheld cities’ use of traffic camera enforcement for a third time, striking down as unconstitutional legislative restrictions that included requiring a police officer to be present. The ruling was 5-2 in support of …

Ohio Supreme Court Takes Up Dayton Traffic Cameras Case

For the third time in less than a decade, the use of traffic cameras by Ohio cities is before the state Supreme Court. Attorneys for the city of Dayton are urging the justices to reject a law passed by the …