ohio supreme court News

Ohio Court: No Permanent Partial and Total Disability Benefits for Same Claim

The Ohio Supreme Court has ruled that an injured worker may not receive permanent partial disability compensation when that worker is receiving permanent total disability payments for the same claim. The Dec. 8 ruling came in State ex rel. Ohio …

Ohio Court: Insurer not Liable for $1M in Megachurch Abuse Lawsuit

The Ohio Supreme Court says an insurer isn’t liable for part of a central Ohio megachurch’s $3.1 million settlement over the alleged beating of a 2-year-old boy at the church’s daycare. The justices concluded that an appeals court wrongly found …

Court: Ohio Consumer Laws Don’t Apply to Insurance Estimates

The Ohio Supreme Court has ruled that laws protecting consumers from deceptive practices don’t apply to insurance company repair estimates. The court made that ruling on Dec. 29 in the case involving a Columbus insurer, voting 5-2 to overturn a …

Ohio Town Ordered to Put Anti-Fracking Issue Back on Ballot

The Ohio Supreme Court has ruled that an anti-fracking measure in Youngstown must be put back on fall ballots. In a unanimous decision, the high court said the Mahoning County Board of Elections lacked the authority not to certify an …

Ohio Supreme Court Upholds Use of Traffic Cameras

A divided Ohio Supreme Court again upheld use of traffic camera enforcement by the state’s municipalities, reversing a lower court after a year of legal setbacks for camera advocates. The Supreme Court justices ruled 4-3 to stick to their 2008 …

Ohio Supreme Court Says Ambiguity Determination Must Consider Context

The general rule holds that when a policy provision is susceptible to more than one interpretation courts should construe the ambiguity against the insurer and liberally in favor of the insured. This principle is often asserted by policyholders seeking coverage …

Ohio Justices: Doctor’s Apology not Evidence of Malpractice

Sympathetic statements by a doctor over a patient’s unexpected medical outcome can’t be admitted as evidence in medical malpractice cases filed after the date a law intended to outlaw their use went into effect in 2004, the Ohio Supreme Court …

Ohio Supreme Court: Corporation Must Advance Defense Costs for Director

The Supreme Court of Ohio has ruled that a corporation can’t avoid paying the legal defense expenses of a corporate director who is sued in his or her capacity as a director by claiming that the director’s misconduct, if proven, …

Ohio Court: Lack of Informed Consent Requires Expert Testimony

A medical malpractice claim alleging lack of informed consent requires expert medical testimony to establish harm, Ohio’s high court has ruled. In a case arising from a medical malpractice suit filed by Robert and Mary White against Dr. Warren Leimbach …