Oil Spill News

Florida CFO Sink Intercedes for Local Businessman with BP

Florida Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink was in the middle of a dramatic confrontation at a BP oil spill claims office Tuesday after going to bat for a distraught owner of a bait and tackle shop. Sink, who is a …

BP Oil Spill Costing Mississippi Coast $120 Million: Report

The Gulf of Mexico oil spill will cost Mississippi’s coastal counties nearly $120 million in lost tourism and service industry revenues this summer season, even though the state’s beaches have not been hit by crude, say researchers at the University …

Health Complaints in Louisiana from Oil Spill Pollutants Now at 109

There have been 109 reports of health complaints believed to be related to exposure to pollutants from the BP oil spill, according to the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals. That number is up from 71 complaints reported as of …

How New Independent BP Claims Process Should Work

The White House offered an explanation Wednesday of how its new independent claims process would work for those harmed by the BP oil spill, including details of a $20 billion escrow account funded by the British oil giant. NEW DAMAGE …

Florida Hopes to Settle BP Claims Outside of Courts

BP Plc has done a poor job settling oil spill claims quickly and efficiently but pursuing the claims in court might be worse, Florida officials said Tuesday. Governor Charlie Crist and Attorney General Bill McCollum have assembled a panel to …

Obama Demands BP Set Up Independent Account for Oil Claims

President Barack Obama, seeking to demonstrate strong leadership on the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, will demand today that BP set aside billions of dollars to pay damages from the catastrophe. A day after he vowed to fight the spill …

BP Agrees to $20 Billion Claims Fund; Amount Not a Liability Cap

BP Plc Wednesday agreed to a demand by U.S. President Barack Obama to pay $20 billion into a special fund to handle claims from its huge Gulf of Mexico oil spill and said it was suspending payment of dividends this …

Judge: Louisiana Attorney General Can Investigate BP

Louisiana Attorney General Buddy Caldwell has been told he can go ahead with his investigation of BP, the rig explosion that’s dumping oil into the Gulf of Mexico, and the company’s process for compensating Louisianans affected by the disaster. A …

Obama Seeks BP Escrow Account to Cover Oil Claims

President Barack Obama will press BP executives this week to set up an escrow account to pay damage claims by individuals and businesses hurt by the Gulf of Mexico oil spill disaster. The move comes as Obama, who will address …

BP Oil Spill Claims Hit $1.6 Billion

BP said the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico had already cost it $1.6 billion and that it would begin operating an additional mechanism to capture more crude from the leaking well in the coming days. London-based BP said …