Oil Spill News

‘Green Energy Systems’ Now ‘Essential’ Says Lloyd’s

“Green energy systems are no longer just ‘nice to have,’ but are essential in securing our energy supply and protecting the environment,” according to a new report from Lloyd’s 360 Risk Insight and UK think tank Chatham House, entitled: Sustainable …

Storm Management

The Atlantic hurricane season forecasts are in and they aren’t pretty. All the major forecasters have predicted the season will be much more active than last season. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) expects an “active to extremely active” …

Who’s Getting Sued in Securities Class Action Lawsuits Now?

Financial Services and Life Sciences Companies Should Be on the Lookout To find out which company will be next in line for one of these insult-to-injury lawsuits, just keep a close eye on the headlines. Securities class action lawsuits are …

Storm Management

The Atlantic hurricane season forecasts are in and they aren’t pretty. All the major forecasters have predicted the season will be much more active than last season. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) expects an “active to extremely active” …

Who’s Getting Sued in Securities Class Action Lawsuits Now?

Financial Services and Life Sciences Companies Should Be on the Lookout To find out which company will be next in line for one of these insult-to-injury lawsuits, just keep a close eye on the headlines. Securities class action lawsuits are …

Louisiana to OSHA: Investigate Oil Spill Cleanup Safety

Louisiana health and environmental officials are asking federal safety officials to make sure workers cleaning up the Gulf of Mexico oil spill are being protected. Health and Hospitals Secretary Alan Levine and Environmental Quality Secretary Peggy Hatch say that daily …

Who’s Getting Sued in Securities Class Action Lawsuits Now?

Securities class action lawsuits are the most important factor driving claims severity for directors and officers (D&O) insurers. Securities lawsuit filings levels ebb and flow over time, and for most of 2010, securities suit filings levels have been relatively low. …

Florida Senator: Obama Not Doing Enough for State

U.S. Sen. George LeMieux criticized President Barack Obama’s handling of the Gulf oil spill Saturday, saying he hasn’t done enough to help Florida and the other affected states or their residents. Obama visited Louisiana’s Gulf Coast on Friday, hours after …

Rating Agencies React to BP’s Oil Spill; Best Revises Jupiter Outlook

The mounting financial costs for British Petroleum from the multiple impacts of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico have placed its formerly strong ratings in peril. Financial rating agencies Fitch and Moody’s have both lowered their ratings on …

BP Lowers Containment Cap onto Wellhead But Uncertainty Remains

BP Plc managed Thursday to lower a containment cap onto its ruptured deep-sea wellhead in the Gulf of Mexico in a high-stakes bid to siphon off some of the oil billowing from its gusher. U.S. President Barack Obama canceled his …