Oil Spill News

S&P Expects Re/Insurance Losses from Gulf Oil Spill to Be Minimal

Based on what are so far only preliminary estimates, Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services said it expects insured losses from the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico “to be significantly less and be spread among multiple markets and re/insurers.” …

Frustration Mounts as Oil Seeps into Louisiana’s Wetlands

Anger grew along the Gulf Coast as an ooze of oil washed into delicate coastal wetlands in Louisiana, with many wondering how to clean up the monthlong mess – especially now that BP’s latest try to plug the blown-out well …

Pressure Piles on BP As Gulf Oil Spill Widens

BP sharply reduced its estimate on Monday of how much oil it is siphoning off from a ruptured well in the Gulf of Mexico as Washington kept the pressure on the energy giant over the environmental debacle. British-based BP said …

U.S. Vows to Replace BP on Oil Response If Necessary to Control Spill

The U.S. government will move aside BP from the operation to try to halt the Gulf of Mexico oil spill if it decides the company is not performing as required in its response to the well leak, U.S. Interior Secretary …

BP Shareholder Sues, Alleging Mismanagement of Oil Spill

A BP Plc shareholder in Alaska Thursday sued the corporation’s chairman and board members, alleging the officials’ mismanagement led to the disastrous Deepwater Horizon rig explosion and spill and have devalued BP stock. The lawsuit, filed in Alaska Superior Court …

Louisiana Coastal Parishes Sue BP Over Oil Spill

Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana, District Attorney Joe Waitz has filed suit against oil giant BP, seeking money for wildlife killed or hurt by the massive oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico. The lawsuit, filed May 17, is among the first …

Lloyd’s CEO Calls for ‘Underwriting Discipline’ In Face of a ‘Tough Year’

Lloyd’s CEO Richard Ward issued a warning to insurance chiefs to prepare for a tough year ahead with the fall-out from large scale catastrophes, such as the Chilean earthquake and Transocean oil spill, likely to be felt for months to …

Senate Republicans Balk at Raising Oil Companies’ Spill Liability

President Barack Obama said Tuesday he was disappointed that a measure to lift limits on oil firm liability for spills had stalled in the U.S. Senate, and blasted Republicans he said had stopped it. “I am disappointed that an effort …

Obama to Name Gulf Oil Spill Panel; BP Safety Record Faulted

President Barack Obama will create a presidential commission to probe the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and energy giant BP said Monday it had “turned the corner” in its efforts to contain it. London-based BP Plc said its …

Coming Hurricane Season Could Complicate Gulf Oil Spill Disaster

BP’s oil spill could make for one of the highest-stakes U.S. Gulf hurricane seasons on record. Storms may scuttle clean-up efforts, force containment vessels to retreat, or propel spilled crude and tar balls over vast expanses of sea and beach, …