Oil Spill News

Latest Tanker Disaster Reopens Debate on Oil Shipments

Even before the oil tanker “Prestige” went to the bottom of the Atlantic off the Spanish coast yesterday, calls were being made for a reexamination of the laws governing international shipping, especially for petroleum products. The 26-year old single hulled …

Well-Control Coverage Drying Up for Small, Independents in Oil Patch

Oil and gas drillers in Texas are averaging about 40 new holes in the ground every day as the pace of looking for petroleum, especially natural gas, continues unabated in Texas and elsewhere, and that’s understandable. Industry forecasts estimate a …

Oil & Gas Coverage Harder to Find; More EXPENSIVE

Crude oil and natural gas exploration and production continue at near record levels and most observers see no let up. White House officials are stumping for a national energy policy that among other things seeks increases in oil drilling and …

Agent Target of Galapagos Oil Spill Lawsuit Threat; Policy Was Cancelled

Lawyers for Ecuador’s Galapagos Islands plan to sue for damages in the wake of an oil spill, according to several news reports; however, the Miamai, Florida-based insurance agency that placed the coverage maintains the policy had been cancelled prior to …