oil tankers News

Insurance Placement Difficulties Delay Iranian Crude Exports to Europe

Efforts by Iran to start exporting oil to Europe are being held up as foreign tanker owners are still struggling to secure insurance for cargoes, leading shipping players said on Tuesday. A nuclear deal between world powers and Iran earlier …

Global Insurers Explore Opportunities in Iran; Market Worth Premiums of $7.4B

Global insurance firms are circling Iran for business opportunities following the lifting of sanctions – and the first test of their appetite could come in March when some Iranian companies seek new cover. Insurers, the reinsurers that share their risk …

National Iranian Tanker Co. Close to Obtaining New Insurance for Crude Exports

The National Iranian Tanker Co. is close to obtaining new insurance needed to boost crude exports and resume trade with old customers after four years of sanctions. NITC has been negotiating with foreign organizations for the past six months to …

Marine Insurers Cautious About Re-Entering Iran, Despite Lifting of Sanctions

Foreign oil tanker owners are expected to make a slow return to Iran despite the lifting of many sanctions as insurers tread carefully, leaving shipping players unwilling to pick up cargoes as quickly as Tehran has wanted. A nuclear deal …

Insurance and Safety Issues Delay Iran’s Entry into Global Oil Tanker Market

Even after Western sanctions are lifted, Iran’s oil tanker fleet is expected to face more hurdles before many of the vessels can start trading again due to insurance hiccups and tougher requirements over sea worthiness by potential foreign clients. Iran’s …

Oil Tankers Run Gauntlet in Nigeria’s ‘Pirate Alley’

A pirate attack that killed a supertanker crewman off the coast of Nigeria this week has highlighted a growing threat off oil-rich West Africa, as vessels carrying millions of barrels of crude traverse a region that has become known as …

Pirate Attacks on Small Oil Tankers Rising in Southeast Asia Waters

Hijackings of small oil tankers by armed gangs are increasing in Southeast Asia, home to the shortest sea-trade route between the Middle East and China, even as pirate attacks globally fell for a third year. Five of the six vessels …