Oklahoma Corporation Commission (OCC) News

Oklahoma Commission Approves 2021 Winter Storm Cost Recovery Orders

The Oklahoma Corporation Commission voted to approve two orders for state utilities to recover natural gas costs incurred during the February 2021 winter storm. The commission approved separate orders for CenterPoint Energy and Public Service Company of Oklahoma. Commission Chair …

Targeting Earthquakes, Oklahoma Limiting Wastewater Well Volumes

Oklahoma oil and natural gas regulators have instructed the operators of 23 wastewater disposal wells to reduce their disposal volumes due to recent earthquakes in Garfield County. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission issued the directive in response to earthquake activity around …

Oklahoma Orders More Cuts in Water Injection Amounts After Earthquakes

The Oklahoma Corporation Commission has directed a wastewater disposal well to reduce its volume of injection after more than a dozen earthquakes rattled part of northwest Oklahoma since Friday. The U.S. Geological Survey recorded three quakes Monday, including one near …

EPA to Oklahoma Officials: Do More to Curb Earthquakes

The Environmental Protection Agency told Oklahoma regulators last November to do more to protect the state from a surge in earthquake activity that scientists have linked to the underground disposal of oil and gas wastewater. An EPA administrator sent a …

Oklahoma Orders the Shut Down of More Disposal Wells

The 5.0 magnitude earthquake that occurred near Cushing, Oklahoma on Nov. 6 has prompted state oil and gas regulatory officials to order the shutdown of more underground wastewater disposal wells in the surrounding area. The number of earthquake in Oklahoma …

Oklahoma Agency Calls for Cuts in Wastewater Well Volumes to Stem Quakes

The Oklahoma Corporation Commission (OCC), which regulates oil and gas production activity in the state, has come up with a volume reduction plan for oil and gas disposal wells in response to the surge in earthquakes in Oklahoma. The OCC …

Oklahoma Officials Avoid Tough Measures Despite More, Stronger Quakes

In Oklahoma, now the country’s earthquake capital, people are talking nervously about the big one as man-made quakes get stronger, more frequent and closer to major population centers. Next door in Kansas, they’re feeling on firmer ground though no one …

Hundreds of Oklahomans Turn Out for Earthquake Hearing

Oklahoma residents concerned with a dramatic increase in the number of earthquakes called for more regulations on the oil and gas industry on Jan. 15 and urged state leaders to take action to stop the quakes. About 200 people tried …

Oklahoma Orders Reduction in Wastewater Disposal after Quakes

The state commission that regulates Oklahoma’s oil and natural gas industry on Jan. 4 ordered some injection well operators to reduce wastewater disposal volumes after at least a dozen earthquakes hit an area north of Oklahoma City in less than …

Quakes Spur more Study of Wells by Oklahoma Corp. Commission

The Oklahoma Corporation Commission said it is placing more than 200 oil and natural gas wastewater disposal wells under scrutiny as the regulatory agency investigates whether the wells are triggering earthquakes in the state. The main focus of the action …