Oklahoma Supreme Court News

How Well Do Oklahoma Opt-Out Plans Serve Injured Workers? It Depends, Study Says

A recent analysis of the workers’ compensation “opt-out” system in Oklahoma concludes that employer-run plans for injured workers may offer benefits that are equal to or better than those provided by traditional workers’ compensation as proponents suggest, but there are …

Oklahoma Workers’ Comp Overhaul Takes Another Hit

The Oklahoma Supreme Court dealt another blow to the state’s 2013 workers’ comp overhaul by finding unconstitutional a provision of the Oklahoma Administrative Workers’ Compensation Act pertaining to the deferral of permanent partial disability benefits. Several recent rulings have represented …

Another Provision of Oklahoma Workers’ Comp Law Struck Down

The Oklahoma Supreme Court on April 12 struck down part of the state’s workers’ compensation law, saying the provisions deprived workers of their due process rights and created a subclass of workers. The 7-2 decision invalidates a portion of the …

Oklahoma Court Says Workers’ Comp 180-Day Rule Is Unconstitutional

Oklahoma’s workers’ compensation system took a hit on March 1, 2016, when the state’s Supreme Court ruled as unconstitutional the provision in the 2013 Oklahoma Workers’ Compensation Act that prohibits workers’ comp claims from workers who have been employed less …

Oklahoma Supreme Court: Oil Firms Can Be Sued over Quakes

New Dominion LLC can be sued by an Oklahoma woman injured when her fireplace fell on her during an earthquake that she blames on disposal wells tied to fracking. The June 30 ruling by the Oklahoma Supreme Court reversed a …

Oklahoma High Court Won’t Hear Challenge to Work Comp Alternative

The Oklahoma Supreme Court has declined to take up a case challenging the constitutionality of the portion of the state’s workers’ compensation law that allows companies to employ an alternative to workers’ compensation in providing benefits to injured workers. The …

Oklahoma Supreme Court to Hear Oil Company/Earthquake Lawsuit

Oklahoma’s highest court has decided to hear a lawsuit that alleges two oil companies are liable for injuries a Prague woman suffered during a 2011 earthquake. The lawsuit by Sandra Ladra of Prague is among dozens of lawsuits filed in …

Court Alcohol Breath Test Ruling Could Cost Oklahoma DPS $11M

An Oklahoma Supreme Court ruling could mean the state Department of Public Safety must refund at least $11 million to drivers in alcohol-related cases. The Court earlier has rejected DPS’ appeal of a lower court ruling that said affidavits used …

Constitutionality of Oklahoma Workers’ Compensation Law Upheld

A constitutional challenge to Oklahoma’s workers’ compensation law has been rejected by the state’s highest court. In a ruling on Dec. 16, the Oklahoma Supreme Court said Senate Bill 1062, which was signed earlier this year by Gov. Mary Fallin, …

Oklahoma Supreme Court Sets Arguments in Workers’ Comp Law Case

The Oklahoma Supreme Court has scheduled oral arguments in a lawsuit that challenges the constitutionality of Oklahoma’s new workers’ compensation law. The high court scheduled arguments for 9 a.m. Dec. 10 in the lawsuit filed by state Sen. Harry Coates …