oklahoma workers’ compensation commission News

Why Companies Won’t Be Opting Out of Opt-Out Anytime Soon

A recent ruling by the Oklahoma Workers’ Compensation Court undercutting so-called “opt-out” systems has set off a flurry of speculation about such systems, including whether this ruling signals the beginning of their end. The short answer is: no. While this …

Oklahoma’s Workers’ Comp Opt-Out Act Ruled Unconstitutional

The Oklahoma Workers’ Compensation Commission has determined that the opt-out portion of the state’s 2013 workers’ compensation statute is unconstitutional. Ruling on an appeal under the provisions of the Oklahoma Employee Injury Benefit Act, or Opt-Out Act, the three judge …

Audit: Oklahoma Workers’ Comp Commission not Tracking Payments

A state audit of the Oklahoma Workers’ Compensation Commission indicates the agency has not been tracking some mandatory assessments. A sample test of claims paid from two funds showed roughly half had no supporting documentation to determine the calculation used …

Oklahoma Workers’ Comp Commissioner Resigns; New Appointees Named

Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin has accepted the resignation of Troy Wilson Sr., the first chairman of the Oklahoma Workers’ Compensation Commission. His resignation is effective May 31. The governor named Dr. LeRoy Young, of Oklahoma City, to replace Wilson on …

Work Comp Death Benefits Awarded to Husband of Oklahoma Beheading Victim

The husband of a woman who was beheaded last year at an Oklahoma food-processing plant has been awarded $100,000 in death benefits plus $418 a week for the rest of his life. The Oklahoman newspaper reports the benefits were approved …

Oklahoma AG: Workers’ Comp Panel Sessions Must Be Public

The Oklahoma attorney general said state law requires the Workers’ Compensation Commission to open its meetings to the public. Two commissioners wanted to discuss appeals involving injured workers’ cases in closed meetings, the Tulsa World reported. “While we are aware …

Ex-Oklahoma Assistant AG in Work Comp Case Files Wrongful Termination Claim

A former Oklahoma assistant attorney general has filed a wrongful termination claim against the state. Ted Rossier filed the $175,000 claim with the State Office of Risk Management, The Oklahoman reported. He is seeking a statement “absolving me of any …

Oklahoma AG: Workers’ Comp Commission Broke Open Meeting Act

The commission that oversees Oklahoma’s system for compensating injured workers repeatedly violated the state’s Open Meeting Act, including when its members met privately with a potential vendor, an assistant attorney general said on Aug. 6. A review of the newly …

More Problems at Oklahoma Workers’ Comp Commission

Members of a new state agency charged with overseeing Oklahoma’s system for compensating injured workers may have to vote again on several issues because of possible violations of a law requiring certain state meetings to be held in public, an …

16 Laid Off at Oklahoma Workers’ Comp Commission

Oklahoma’s Workers’ Compensation Commission has laid off 16 employees as the organization transitions from a court-based system to an administrative one. Commission Executive Director Rick Farmer confirmed the layoffs but declined to identify the employees. The July 9 layoffs bring …