Oklahoma News

States Aim to Prevent Residential Fires by Requiring ‘Fire Safe’ Cigarettes

Movies – think Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart in “The Big Sleep” – often make cigarette smoking look glamorous. Of course, in reality, the practice is anything but. In addition to being a leading cause of cancer and other diseases, …

Bill Would Add Boating Under the Influence Violations to Driving Record

A bill introduced by Oklahoma state Senator Bill Brown would require a conviction of boating while under the influence (BUI) to be made part of an individual’s driving record. The aim of Senate Bill 1140 is to reduce the number …

State Officials Not Sold on New License Rules Under Real ID Act of 2005

States get nearly five more years to verify identity, reissue licenses State officials and some in Congress remain skeptical about new federal rules for driver’s licenses, even after major changes designed to cut the cost of those rules and provide …

States Still Not Sold on Real ID Federal Driver’s License

State officials and some in Congress remain skeptical about new federal rules for driver’s licenses, even after major changes designed to cut the cost of those rules and provide more flexibility. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on Jan. …


Severe Impact “There’s a lot of scrap metal in the trees and fence lines, a lot of insulation, lumber. … The path of the tornado was several miles long and impacted a number of different areas where there were houses. …

Okla. Bill Would Put DUI, DWI on Licenses

Seeking to reduce drunk driving convictions and alcohol-related traffic fatalities Oklahoma State Rep. Scott Inman, D-Del City, has filed a measure aimed that would require previous DUI or DWI convictions to be noted on drivers’ licenses. The bill would mandate …

Okla. Lawmakers Return Donations Linked to Convicted Former Commissioner

Three Oklahoma state representatives, all Republicans, say they are returning campaign contributions given to them by the son of a man linked to convicted former state Insurance Commissioner Carroll Fisher. Reps. Jeff Hickman and Earl Sears say they’re both returning …

FBI Study: Violent, Property Crime Rates Decline

Crime rates dropped for the first time in two years, according to a newly released report of the most recent data collected by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Nationwide, violent crime fell 1.8 percent and property crime fell 2.6 percent …

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State Officials Not Sold on New License Rules Under Real ID Act of 2005

States have five more years to verify identity, reissue licenses; even so some states continue to refuse compliance State officials and some in Congress remain skeptical about new federal rules for driver’s licenses, even after major changes designed to cut …