Oklahoma News


The Property Casualty Insurers Association of America named Deputy Secretary of Commerce David A. Sampson to serve as the association’s president and chief executive officer. Sampson take over the reins of PCI on Sept. 4. PCI represents more than 1,000 …

Ranking State Road

1. North Dakota 2. South Carolina 3. Kansas 4. New Mexico 5. Montana 6. Georgia 7. Wyoming 8. Oregon 9. Nevada 10. Idaho 11. South Dakota 12. Kentucky 13. Minnesota 14. Indiana 15. Texas 16. Ohio 17. Missouri 18. Virginia …

My New Markets

Phone Indications on EPLI Nuts & Bolts: International Excess Agency Inc. is offering phone indications on employment practices liability. The company suggests that interested parties provide the number of employees, class of business and loss history, and it will provide …

Business Moves

Safeco Seattle-based Safeco has expanded its sales organization from five to nine regions, and has named executives to lead two of the territories. “Independent insurance agents have consistently told us they want more personal contact,” said Spencer Donkin, senior vice …

Marina Operators: Lake Texoma Flood Damage Tops $2 Million

Flood damage at Lake Texoma marinas is expected to exceed $2 million, marina operators say. Heavy rains last month swelled the lake on the Oklahoma-Texas border to more than 22 feet above its normal level. The lake was at 634.20 …

Officer Assigned to The Hanover’s Southeast and Central Regions

The Hanover Insurance Group Inc., has strengthened its underwriting capabilities with the appointment of Robert Collins as chief underwriting officer for the Southeast and Central regions, including the states of Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas and …

Vioxx Federal Judge Sees 2008 Focus on Stroke Cases

Next year’s federal Vioxx trials may focus on people who had strokes after taking the once popular painkiller, the judge assigned to handle pretrial matters in all 8,575 federal lawsuits said last Friday. “We may carve out five or six …

Okla. Regulator’s Concerns Impacts Federal Medicare Legislation

Two months ago, Insurance Commissioner Kim Holland was in Washington expressing dismay to a Senate panel that government policies prevented her from protecting elderly Oklahoma consumers from unscrupulous Medicare marketing practices. Last week, her appearance began to produce results. Legislation …

Okla. Leads Nation in Disaster Declarations

A combination of ice storms, flooding rains and tornadoes have left Oklahoma atop a dubious list. So far this year, the state has most federal disaster declarations in the country. Oklahoma has received two declarations for severe storms, flooding and …

Okla. Employment Service Owners Convicted of Workers’ Comp Fraud

A federal jury in Oklahoma convicted the owners of a Norman employment service of defrauding businesses by billing them for workers’ compensation insurance coverage that didn’t exist. The panel found Justin Bruner, 36, of Norman, and Paul W. Voyles Jr., …