Oklahoma News

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GL for Builders, Contractors, Artisans Nuts & Bolts: Golden Insurance Co. RRG extended its commercial general liability coverage for builders, general contractors and artisans to $1 million/$1 million. Coverage is offered on a claims-made basis, and most builder trade classes …

13 states file briefs against credit scoring

Delaware Commissioner of Insurance Matt Denn has taken arguments against insurance industry use of credit scoring to the U.S. Supreme Court, filing a brief in a pending case involving the practice. The amicus curiae, or “friend of the court,” brief …

Drunk driving death rates decline in 23 states

Drunken-driving deaths declined slightly across the nation in 2005, and the rate of drunken-driving deaths fell in 23 states, according to transportation officials. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that 23 states and Puerto Rico had a decrease in …


0.9% The workers’ compensation voluntary loss cost decrease approved by the New Hampshire Insurance Department, along with a reduction in assigned risk rates of 0.6 percent. The new figures went into effect Jan. 1. The decision mirrors the request made …

Tulsa Zoo to Exhibit Disaster-Resistant Homes for Future

The Tulsa Zoo will soon showcase an exhibit featuring a prototype for environmentally friendly and disaster-proof homes of the future. State Farm Insurance and American Electric Power-Public Service Company of Oklahoma each contributed $50,000 on to build “The Millennium Center.” …

Okla. Lawmaker Files ‘Negative Outcomes’ Insurance Bill

Oklahoma State Representative Jason W. Murphey (R-Guthrie) has introduced legislation intended to lower medical costs by providing incentive for insurers to write “Negative Outcomes” insurance policies. The bill also seeks to help ensure that patients are properly and quickly compensated …

Insurer Group to Target Windstorm Funding in Texas

Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) funding issues will be the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America’s (PCI) top legislative priority in its Southwestern region, the insurer group announced. The Southwestern region includes the states of Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas. Automobile …

NCCI to Collect Proof of Insurance Information from Comp Carriers in Okla.

Insurers that write workers’ compensation insurance in Oklahoma may submit to the National Council on Compensation Insurance statutorily required proof of workers’ compensation insurance coverage for their insureds beginning Feb. 1, 2007, the Oklahoma Workers’ Compensation Court announced. Proof of …

Authorities Work to Bring Hay, Groceries to Plains

Colorado officials scrambled to find helicopters and other equipment on Tuesday in an effort to get hay to thousands of stranded cattle in the southeasten part of the state, five days after a snowstorm buried the region in drifts up …

New Year Brings Higher Insurance Rates, Minimums for S.C. Drivers

The new year will force about a third of South Carolina’s drivers to dig deeper into their wallets to pay for auto insurance. A little-debated change in state law requires drivers to buy minimum liability coverage of $25,000 for a …