Oliver Wyman News

Federal Uncertainty Could Impact Pennsylvania Individual Market, Miller Says

Pennsylvania insurers are seeking a statewide average rate increase of 8.8 percent for individual plans and 6.7 percent for small group plans, but this could be adversely affected by actions taken by the Trump Administration or Congress against the Affordable …

Internet of Things Is Industry Disruptor that Could Benefit Innovators: Efma Report

The steady advance of the internet of things (IoT) presents a huge number of opportunities for insurers – as well as threats, according to a digest published by Efma*. The rise in connected homes, connected cars and the use of …

Women Are 30 Years From Attaining 30% of Seats on Boards: Report

It will take 30 years at the current pace of change for women to attain just 30 percent of the seats on executive committees in the financial services industry globally, an Oliver Wyman report said on Monday. Globally women account …

Global Car Insurers Offer Discounts – If They Can Monitor Driving Data

Insurance companies around the world are promising lower rates on car coverage. The catch is they want to install the equivalent of an airplane’s black box to track how and where you drive. Smartphone applications and devices that record trip …

McDonald Named Head of Oliver Wyman; Drzik Moves to Marsh Global Unit

Marsh & McLennan Cos. promoted Scott McDonald to be the new head of its Oliver Wyman Group subsidiary. McDonald, who has been serving as president of Oliver Wyman, a management consulting firm within the Oliver Wyman Group subsidiary, will become …