one-way attorney fees News

Infamous Florida Plaintiffs’ Firm Files For Bankruptcy. Will Strems Get His $36 Million?

The successor to a law firm that was known as “public enemy number one” by Florida’s property insurance industry after it filed thousands of unnecessary lawsuits – many of them on the same claim – has slipped into bankruptcy, putting …

Amendment to Florida Tort-Reform Would Grant One-Way Attorney Fees in Some Cases

A sponsor of a far-reaching Florida tort-reform bill warned last week that the measure, unlike previously adopted insurance legislation, is subject to change as it moves through the House and the Senate. On Tuesday, that proved true as the Senate …

Fla. Tort Bill Brings it: Limits Damages, Ends Fee Multipliers, Discloses LOPs – and More

Outside of insurance attorneys, plaintiffs’ lawyers and some doctors, few people in Florida may be familiar with what are known as letters of protection. But critics say the instruments, in which doctors agree to take a share of the judgment …