online piracy News

Online Social Network Can’t Be Piracy Police: European Court

Online social networks cannot be forced to block users from downloading songs illegally, as this would push up their costs and infringe privacy, Europe’s highest court said on Thursday, adding to a worldwide debate on internet policing. The Luxembourg-based Court …

Europe to Issue Tough Rules Protecting Internet Users’ Data

The European Union will propose tough new rules in the coming days on how corporations handle Internet users’ personal data, a long-awaited move that could have far-reaching implications for Web giants such as Google Inc. and Facebook. Viviane Reding, vice …

Senate, House Scuttle Online Piracy Bills

Senate and House leaders have put their online piracy bills on the back burner after a week of heavy lobbying by technology industry critics of the bills. “It is clear that we need to revisit the approach on how best …

What Would Online Piracy Bills SOPA and PIPA Do?

The House of Representative’s Stop Online Piracy Act and the Senate’s Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act have generated fierce opposition within the technology community. Here are some facts about the bills: What …

Congress May Revisit Online Piracy Bill After White House Criticism

Federal legislation aimed at curbing online piracy, which had appeared to be on a fast track for approval by Congress, appears likely to be scaled back or jettisoned entirely in the wake of critical comments over the weekend from the …

Google Tells Congress Online Anti-Piracy Bill Goes Too Far

Google Inc. warned U.S. lawmakers on Wednesday that proposed legislation to crack down on foreign websites selling pirated U.S. movies, music or other counterfeit goods goes too far and could depress investment. The legislation has pit Internet giants, consumer groups …