online privacy News

New England Patriots Sued Over Video Viewing App’s Alleged Privacy Violations

A Massachusetts man has filed a proposed class action lawsuit seeking $5 million against the New England Patriots for alleged privacy violations. The suit alleges that the team intentionally and knowingly discloses personally identifiable information (PII) of people using their …

Facebook Takes Search Warrant Challenge to New York’s Top Court

Facebook and Manhattan prosecutors went to New York state’s highest court Tuesday to settle a legal dispute over search warrants for users’ accounts, a closely watched case with big implications for online privacy. An attorney for Facebook told the judges …

Europe to Issue Tough Rules Protecting Internet Users’ Data

The European Union will propose tough new rules in the coming days on how corporations handle Internet users’ personal data, a long-awaited move that could have far-reaching implications for Web giants such as Google Inc. and Facebook. Viviane Reding, vice …