OpenAI News

ChatGPT Creator OpenAI Sued for Theft of Private Data in ‘AI Arms Race’

ChatGPT creator OpenAI Inc. is stealing “vast amounts” of personal information to train its artificial intelligence models in a heedless hunt for profits, a group of anonymous individuals claimed in a lawsuit seeking class action status. OpenAI has violated privacy …

OpenAI CEO Sees ‘Huge’ Israeli Role in Reducing Risks From the Technology

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman predicted on Monday a “huge role” for Israel in reducing risks from artificial intelligence and eyed investment opportunities in the country even as it debates whether and how to regulate the technology behind ChatGPT. Altman is …

Top AI CEOs, Experts Raise ‘Risk of Extinction’ From AI

Top artificial intelligence (AI) executives including OpenAI CEO Sam Altman on Tuesday joined experts and professors in raising the “risk of extinction from AI,” which they urged policymakers to equate at par with risks posed by pandemics and nuclear war. …

Hackers Aim to Find Flaws in AI

No sooner did ChatGPT get unleashed than hackers started “jailbreaking” the artificial intelligence chatbot – trying to override its safeguards so it could blurt out something unhinged or obscene. But now its maker, OpenAI, and other major AI providers such …

AI Leaders Urge Labs to Halt Training Models More Powerful Than ChatGPT-4

Artificial intelligence experts and industry leaders, including Elon Musk, University of California Berkeley computer science professor Stuart Russell and Apple Inc. co-founder Steve Wozniak, are calling on developers to hit the pause button on training powerful AI models. More than …

As ChatGPT’s Popularity Explodes, U.S. Lawmakers Take an Interest

ChatGPT, a fast-growing artificial intelligence program, has drawn praise for its ability to write answers quickly to a wide range of queries, and attracted U.S. lawmakers’ attention with questions about its impact on national security and education. ChatGPT was estimated …