Operations News

Lloyd’s McGovern Works to Expand No. American Business; Part II

Sean McGovern now heads Lloyd’s operations in the U.S. and Canada – the first and third largest sources of business for its underwriters. Lloyd’s not only wants to hold on to that business, but also to increase it. “We’re in …

5 Steps to Real-Time Performance Reviews

On the list of things that are done for all the wrong reasons in organizations, performance reviews would have to rank near the top. They end up being “check the boxes” exercises that have little influence on performance because they …

A Franchise Model for Insurance Agencies

Fiesta Auto Insurance Combines Insurance and Tax Preparation Services Under One Roof Modeling an insurance agency business after a sandwich shop might sound like a strange idea, but that’s what John Rost, founder, president and CEO of Fiesta Auto Insurance, …


Texas-based Roach Howard Smith & Barton (RHSB) announced that Jan Holcombe joined the company as vice president of personal client services. Holcombe brings more than 20 years of experience as an insurance counseling and management specialist. She will be in …

Terminating Employment: It Doesn’t Have to Be Painful

Leaders likely have or at some point will need to make the decision to terminate a team member’s employment. Parting ways with an employee can be one of the most intimidating and difficult things to do as a leader. To …

A New Way to Reach Consumers

Fiesta Auto Insurance Combines Insurance and Tax Preparation Services Under One Roof Modeling an insurance agency business after a sandwich shop might sound like an unusual goal, but that’s what John Rost, founder, president of CEO of Fiesta Auto Insurance …


Inflationary Increase “The previous $15 million capital and surplus requirement has been in place since the ’90s, so is not near as meaningful in guaranteeing financial solvency of surplus line insurers today. This is a needed inflationary increase.” —Ted Pierce, …

E&O Insights: Co-Insurance Penalty

What It Means to Your Customer and Your Agency Co-insurance penalty. Trust me these are not the words you want to hear from your customer right after a claim. How confident are you that your customers know: 1) if they …

User Experience and the Generation Gap

Currently, the insurance industry is on the brink of a demographic shift, and as more young professionals begin to enter the field and veterans begin to retire, a whole new set of expectations arises regarding technology and solutions. Today’s young …

The Power of More

Why the Time is Right for Agency Networks They go by many names — networks, alliances, franchises, clusters and aggregators — but all have similar goals. Aggregator groups have been around the insurance industry for more than three decades but …