Operations News

QualCorp, Inc. Unveils QueryPlus Reporting Tool for Agency Management Systems

QualCorp, Inc. announces that they have just released a reporting tool that makes the on-going chore of mining data out of the industry’s most widely used agency management systems straight forward and simple. By using a simple 6-step query/filter process …

Pinnacol CEO Named President of AASCIF

The American Association of State Compensation Insurance Funds (AASCIF) has named Pinnacol Assurance CEO Ken Ross as its 2007-2008 president. AASCIF is an association of workers’ compensation insurance companies from 27 states, plus 10 Canadian workers’ compensation boards. In the …

N.Y., Conn., Ill. AGs bring another suit, this time against Acordia

The attorneys general of Connecticut, Illinois and New York continued their campaign against undisclosed compensation and account steering by simultaneously bringing suit against one of the nation’s largest insurance brokers. The suits were bought against Acordia Inc. and its parent …

BOPping in on employment practices liability insurance

It’s the ogre hiding under the bridge. And a hungry ogre at that. The owners of many small- to mid-sized companies hope to tip-toe by without incident, but there is no ignoring the potential for trouble. The number of legal …

People and Places

Zurich Financial Services Group appointed Maine Insurance Superintendent Alessandro A. Iuppa head of government and industry affairs for General Insurance, and chief government affairs officer for North America. Both appointments are effective Jan. 15, 2007. Neal Odom joined MarketScout, the …

Oregon promotes best practices with IMSA membership

The Oregon Insurance Division is recognizing the Insurance Marketplace Standards Association as a group that can help to establish “best practices” and promote consumer protection in the state. In a recent bulletin, Insurance Administrator Joel Ario noted the Division “wishes …

New rules mean bytes of electronically stored info could have big bite

Insurance agents want to avoid litigation, but it is not always possible. When agents become involved in litigation in federal court, it is important for agents and their attorneys to understand the new Federal Rules of Civil Procedure governing electronically …

It Figures

$20 billion The federal flood insurance program may be going broke after incurring $20 billion in debt from recent storms like Hurricane Katrina. But that hasn’t stopped politicians from trying to extend the taxpayer-subsidized coverage for some of the riskiest …

MEMIC Names Funk as Underwriter in N.Y., Conn.

Workers’ compensation insurer MEMIC Indemnity Co. recently hired Jeff Funk as an executive underwriter to lead underwriting and agency management responsibilities in MEMIC’s new Connecticut and New York offices. Funk brings 24 years of insurance industry experience to MEMIC including …

AJG resolves federal class action case

Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. has agreed to resolve all claims in the Federal Multi-District class action pending in the New Jersey Federal District Court against commercial insurers and brokers relating to industry-wide contingent commission matters. In its written statement, …