Operations News

Editor’s Note: Cyber storms

As reports of computer security breaches proliferate—such as the federal government’s snafu that put millions of veterans at risk for identity theft—the public is losing confidence in the digital infrastructure, even as it remains appreciative of all of the good …

Julie Benafield Bowman, Arkansas, Commissioner of Insurance

Like insurance commissioners in other states, Arkansas Insurance Commis-sioner Julie Benafield Bowman, is keeping an eye on catastrophe issues and the availability of insurance related to them. Unlike commissioners in Arkansas’ neighboring states of Texas and Loui-siana, however, her concern …

Understanding real estate-related risks

Throughout California and other states, there has been an incredible increase in the number of professionals involved in or related to real estate. When thinking about real estate risks, the first to come to mind are real estate agents and …

Christina Urias, Arizona, Director of Insurance

Wildfires, captives, credit scoring, and broker compensation and disclosure have been hot topics lately — especially since wildfire season in particular extends through September. But the Arizona Department of Insurance began addressing many of these issues years ago to mitigate …

New Markets

Builder’s Risk Program Nuts & Bolts: Praetorian Financial Group, a specialty insurance provider, announced that it has entered into a partnership with Britt Paulk to launch a Builder’s Risk program. Builder’s Risk covers properties while under construction. The partnership will …

Don’t rush the courtship

If understanding and pricing risk are the essence of insurance, then mitigating risk is the essence of insurers’ and their agency partners’ profit. New research shows how partnerships between insurance organizations and community organizations can help customers to make homes …

Linda Watters

Michigan Insurance Director of Insurance Linda Watters wants to make sure drivers in urban areas get a fair shake on the premiums they pay for auto and homeowners insurance. She has developed an initiative that would create a pool of …

Target Markets leaders see now as good time to shop proven programs

Despite soft market conditions, program carriers are less than enthusiastic about jumping at the chance to start a new program, according to two industry experts. But times may be ripe for a program manager who is less than pleased with …

Cyber storms

As reports of computer security breaches proliferate–such as the federal government’s snafu that put millions of veterans at risk for identity theft–the public is losing confidence in the digital infrastructure, even as it remains appreciative of all of the good …

Nearly 29% of employees unproductive

Nearly 29 percent of company time in America is unproductive, according to the results of a new study by management consulting firm, Proudfoot Consulting. The estimated cost of poor productivity in the U.S. is $598 billion and U.S. companies “lose” …