Operations News

People and Places

The Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America (Big ‘I’) has added Thomas C. Koonce as assistant vice president for federal government affairs in its Capitol Hill office. He joins two fellow assistant vice presidents, Brendan Reilly and John Prible, …

Case Law Watch

Actions and Proceedings Continental Insurance Co. v. The Pamona Redevelopment Agency (California Court of Appeals, May 15, 2006, Unpublished) Ruling: On this appeal, the excess insurer, Continental, sought to intervene in an action pending between the city of Pomona and …

The excess flood market steps up when national flood program falls short

The historical lessons learned from Katrina and Rita, and looming predictions of a future with bigger and stronger storms have made flood insurance popular these days — even in locations where it was previously thought unnecessary. The National Flood Insurance …

Excess flood market steps up when national flood program falls short

The historical lessons learned from Katrina and Rita, and looming predictions of a future with bigger and stronger storms, have made flood insurance popular these days — even in locations where it was previously thought unnecessary. The National Flood Insurance …

Case Law Watch

Actions and Proceedings Continental Insurance Co. v. The Pamona Redevelopment Agency (California Court of Appeals, May 15, 2006, Unpublished) Ruling: On this appeal, the excess insurer, Continental, sought to intervene in an action pending between the city of Pomona and …

Industry cannot ignore Hispanic buying power

As might be expected, diversity was discussed in virtually all lines – employment practices liability insurance, commercial, health, Mexican and life – among other agency management topics at the recent Latin American Agents Association 7th annual convention & 1st annual …

FAIA cat team volunteers honored for helping during Hurricane Katrina

Veronica Della Porta, chairman of the Florida Association of Insurance Agents, recognized catastrophe team volunteers who traveled to hard-hit areas and assisted victims during 2005, when hurricanes hit the southeast U.S. Bay St. Louis, Miss., agents David and Angelyn Treutel …

Crist, Fritschi & Paterson underscores value of relationships

Best Practices is an Insurance Journal column that highlights how some of the nation’s top-performing agencies run their operations. Insurance Journal Publisher Mark Wells recently interviewed Jack Fritschi, CEO of Crist, Fritschi and Paterson in Oakland, Calif. To listen to …

Getting your commercial producers to prospect

Some producers never seek out fresh prospects. Instead, their managers employ list services and telemarketers to spoon-feed them their leads. Still, this is the exception in the agency business and not the rule. Most producers must uncover their own prospects, …

Agency compensation reflects organic growth, profitability and retention

With fewer large books of business changing hands recently, insurance agencies are relying on staff-driven, organic growth to expand their operations. Compensation packages and new recruitment and training strategies have shifted to reflect this trend, and also to address the …