Operations News

New uniform credit agencies’ scoring system not likely to affect insurers

A recent announcement by the three major consumer credit reporting agencies that they have created a new credit scoring system is unlikely to have a major effect on insurers’ current use of credit in underwriting and rating for homeowners and …

In the past, the agencies each used proprietary formulas to create their own scores, meaning that a lender dealing with a consumer’s application for a credit card or a mortgage might have had to reconcile three widely different scores. The …

Technology can help agents boost sales and more

Given the pace of today’s technological developments, it is often difficult for agency principals to know where to get the most bang for their buck. As most agency principals know, it is important to take a strategic approach when it …

E-Discovery and Electronic Records

The focus of litigations and investigations on electronic documents, particularly e-mails, and the increasing accountability of compliance programs, including record retention, are leading organizations to reexamine their document management. That includes e-mail destruction practices, records management programs, compliance training and …


Given the pace of today’s technological developments, it is often difficult for agency principals to know where to get the most bang for their buck. As most agency principals know, it is important to take a strategic approach when it …

Use agency generated coupons to cash-in on new sales

Everyone loves saving money and getting something for nothing. It is why coupons exist and why they are so deeply entrenched in U.S. product marketing. Manufac-turers and service companies employ them to launch new items, attract new customers, and build …

R.I.’s Beacon Mutual Hit for Cozy Culture Favoring Insiders, Big Accounts and Elite Agents

Rhode Island’s largest workers compensation carrier, Beacon Mutual Insurance Co., has engaged in a pattern of favoritism benefiting select clients and agents; won and retained employer accounts by cheating on pricing and regulations, and tolerated sloppy financial and underwriting management, …

Marketing and Communications Showcase Awards Deadline is April 14

Insurance marketers from around the globe will have the opportunity to showcase their marketing achievements in the upcoming Showcase Awards competition sponsored by the Insurance Marketing Communications Association (IMCA). The competition – now in its 48th year – features entries …

GE Insurance Solutions Talks About Landing a Program Carrier

If you’re an agent or broker trying to land a program carrier, it’s one thing to have an in-force program with lots of history and experience data, but how do you market yourself to a carrier if you’re building a …

Louisiana Health Care Symposium Set for April 18

The Louisiana Department of Insurance Health Care Commission will co-sponsor a health care symposium: “A New Vision for Health Care” on April 18, 2006. The department said the symposium will cover the changing landscape of health care for the private …