opioid-related deaths News

Experts: Georgia Getting Hit Hard by Opioid Crisis

The nation’s deepening opioid epidemic is hitting Georgia harder than most states, experts say. That’s one of the messages that came out of a recent conference at the University of Georgia. Some of the highest opioid use is in the …

Oklahoma AG Sues Prescription Opioid Drug Manufacturers

Oklahoma Attorney General Mike Hunter has joined the ranks of state attorneys general who have sued manufacturers of opioid pain medication, alleging that deceptive marketing campaigns by the drug makers have fueled the state’s opioid epidemic. On June 30 Hunter …

Opioids, Distracted Driving Cited in Rise of Preventable Accidents

More than 130,000 Americans are killed annually by preventable causes, and the number has been climbing at a faster rate recently because of opioid abuse and car crashes involving drivers distracted by mobile devices. The death count jumped more than …

Officials Team Up to Fight Opioid Crisis in Vermont Community

Burlington, Vt., officials and community partners are teaming up to combat a spike in opioid-related deaths. Vermont saw a 38 percent increase in opioid-related deaths from 2015 to 2016. Mayor Miro Weinberger joined the city’s police chief and other officials …

Alabama Governor Forms Task Force to Tackle Opioid Abuse

Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley has created a new state council to address what the governor called a growing crisis of opioid misuse and addiction. The governor made the announcement at a Dec. 15 news conference at the Alabama Capitol. The …