opioid use News

Texas Manufacturer to Pay $35K for Denying Job to Applicant with Opioid Use Disorder

The Modern Group, Ltd. (TMG), headquartered in Beaumont, Texas, and one of its subsidiaries, Dragon Rig Sales and Service, LLC, a manufacturing and service company which builds oilfield service equipment for energy and industrial companies, will pay $35,000 and furnish …

NTSB: Drugs, Phone Use May Have Caused 2015 Arkansas Rail Yard Death

The National Transportation Safety Board says it found several safety issues during its investigation of a 2015 rail yard death at a Pine Bluff packaging plant. The agency says it found illicit drug use by employees, inappropriate use of cellphones …

Arkansas Health Plan Panel Recommends Limits on Coverage for Opioids

An Arkansas health panel has recommended limiting coverage of opioid prescriptions in health plans that cover tens of thousands of state employees and teachers. The recommendations, which are aimed at curbing drug dependence and abuse, were compiled by the State …

Study: In 1st Year, 2 Florida Laws Reduced Amount of Opioids Prescribed

Two Florida laws, enacted to fight prescription drug abuse and misuse in that state, led to a small but significant decrease in the amount of opioids prescribed the first year the laws were in place, a new study suggests. According …

Pill Mill Law Shifts Prescriptions From Opioids to Weaker Meds: WCRI

A law banning physicians from dispensing certain strong opioids discouraged the doctors from prescribing those drugs at all, according to a new study, which also found that the doctors dispensed weaker nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) and other medications to injured …

1 in 10 Small Businesses Report Workers Under Influence of Alcohol, Drugs

One in 10 small businesses had employees show up for work last year while under the influence of at least one controlled substance. Small-business owners reported that alcohol, marijuana and prescription painkillers were the most common substances employees used, according …

Ohio Workers’ Comp Bureau: Prescription Formulary Saves over $20M

The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) announced that changes made to its pharmacy management program in recent years have resulted in a reduction in prescriptions of some of the most commonly overused drugs and total drug cost savings of …