Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber News

Climate Change Measure Advanced in Oregon Senate

The Oregon Senate this week passed a climate change bill that was one of Gov. John Kitzhaber’s top legislative priorities. The approval in a 17-13 vote sent the measure to the state House. The bill would extend Oregon’s low-carbon fuel …

Oregon Looks At Beefing Up Health Insurance Premium Reviews

Oregon health officials are considering whether to use the state’s authority to approve or reject health insurance premiums as a tool to drive down health care costs. The idea is one of several suggestions for improving the health care system …

Oregon Drought Makes Firefighters Nervous

Firefighters are nervous, and ranchers and farmers are hurting as Malheur County enters summer in drought. Gov. John Kitzhaber has issued drought declarations for four Oregon counties, including Malheur, the Vermont-size southeast corner of the state. The Oregonian reported that …