Pacific Ocean News

El Nino Emerges; Asia-Pacific Region Faces Months of Disruptive Weather

In 2009, the El Nino brought the worst drought in four decades to India. It razed wheat fields in Australia and damaged crops across Asia. Food prices surged. A closely watched forecast by Japan on Tuesday confirmed its return this …

El Nino May Develop by June; Australia Issues Alert on Tropical Pacific Ocean

An El Nino may develop by June, according to Australia’s state forecaster, which upgraded its outlook for the weather-altering pattern to Alert. Ocean temperatures in the tropical Pacific Ocean continue to be warmer-than-average, trade winds remain weaker-than- average and all …

El Nino Forecasts Flop as Puzzled Scientists Search for Answers

When it comes to El Nino, 2014-15 may be the years that launched a thousand academic papers. Since last March, forecasters have said an El Nino was on the way. The only trouble is, it hasn’t arrived. Call it the …

Earthquake Strikes off Coast of Northern California

The U.S. Geological Survey is reporting a 5.3 magnitude earthquake off the coast of northern California. The USGS says the quake was centered in the Pacific Ocean, about 70 miles west of Ferndale, California, and struck about 4:16 a.m. PST …

7.4 Magnitude Quake Shakes Active Guatemala Region: AIR Analysis

According to catastrophe modeling firm AIR Worldwide, at 10:35:50 UTC on Nov 7, 2012 an earthquake estimated at a magnitude of 7.4 occurred at a depth of 41.6 km (25.9 miles) about 15 miles off the coastal town of Champerico …

WMO Expects El Nino Development in Sept-Oct

An El Nino event, usually associated with significant changes in rainfall, is likely to develop this month and next in the Pacific, affecting global climate patterns, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said on Tuesday. The phenomenon, characterized by unusually warm …

NZ Weather Scientists Foresee Short, Weak El Nino

El Nino weather conditions, which can bring droughts to parts of Asia and affect crops, have emerged but will likely be weak and short lived, New Zealand scientists said on Tuesday. El Nino is a warming of sea surface temperatures …

El Nino Seen Having ‘Modest Impact’ on Australia

An emerging El Nino weather pattern is likely to have only a modest impact on crops and mining in Australia and could benefit sugar cane growers in Queensland, a senior forecaster said. Drier conditions have already settled in over much …