paid leave benefit News

The Hartford to Start Offering Vermont’s Family Leave Insurance Program for Employers

The Hartford will begin offering the Vermont Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FMLI) program for employers on February 15. Employers with two or more employees will have the opportunity to work withe the insurer’s brokers to design a plan to …

Vermont to Offer Voluntary Paid Leave for State Workers Before Private Program

The state of Vermont is going to begin offering paid family and medical leave to its 8,000 employees next summer as part of a voluntary program that in following years will be expanded to private businesses and individuals, Gov. Phil …

Delaware Senate Passes Bill Requiring Paid Leave

The Democrat-led state Senate voted along party lines Tuesday to approve legislation forcing private-sector businesses in Delaware to provide 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave. The bill requires businesses employing 25 or more workers to provide up to …