pandemic News

Global Coronavirus Cases Soar to 10,000 as WHO Declares Health Emergency

The U.K. confirmed its first two cases of coronavirus on Friday, while the U.S. and Japan advised citizens to avoid traveling to China. Singapore suspended visas issued to Chinese citizens. Stocks fell in Europe and Asia as the virus continued …

Many Global Firms Face High Coronavirus Costs Due to Insurance Exclusions

Many global companies from hotels and airlines to industrial houses are expected to have to foot the bill for disruptions caused by a new coronavirus in China, with epidemics usually excluded from insurance cover, experts said. With 132 deaths in …

Coronavirus Impact: Growing List of Global Firms Cut Back on China Business Activities

Starbucks Corp. has closed more than half of its coffee shops in mainland China — about 2,000 of them — and Toyota Motor Corp. is halting production in the country, as global corporations grapple with a SARS-like coronavirus that has …

How China’s Coronavirus Will Test the U.S., Too: Opinion

As the Wuhan coronavirus spreads to America, it now seems quite possible the United States will face some considerable logistical challenges. Even if the virus turns out not to be very deadly, or mutates into a safer form, the public …

New Coronavirus Outbreak: Marsh Recommends Immediate Steps for Multinationals

The effects on multinational businesses from a potentially worsening Wuhan coronavirus outbreak could be severe, which is why they need to review, test and potentially update plans related to business continuity, crisis management and crisis communications, according to Marsh in …

China’s New Coronavirus Doesn’t Always Cause a Fever so Detection May Be Difficult

China’s new deadly virus is more difficult to contain than other pandemics because those infected may not get a fever, a symptom governments around the world are using to screen for the pathogen. The National Health Commission told local governments …

Trump Says U.S. Has Plan to Contain Coronavirus

President Donald Trump said on Wednesday that the United States has a plan in place to contain the coronavirus outbreak. Speaking on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, Trump said: “We do have …

Pandemic Fears Grow as China Steps Up Efforts to Control New Flu-Like Coronavirus

Deaths from China’s new flu-like virus rose to nine on Wednesday with more than 470 confirmed cases, heightening global fears of contagion from an infection suspected to have come from animals. The previously unknown and contagious coronavirus strain emerged from …

China’s Mysterious Respiratory Virus Spreads to Health Workers, Different Countries

China’s mysterious respiratory virus has caused six deaths and infected a number of medical workers, a sign the outbreak has entered a new phase with the illness spreading from person to person. Health-care workers contracting the new illness indicates that …

Why Year-Long Ebola Outbreak Hasn’t Triggered Payout from Pandemic Insurance

World Bank funding instruments issued to help emerging countries swiftly tackle pandemics have come under the spotlight after the latest deadly Ebola outbreak has yet to trigger a payout. Following the 2013-2016 Ebola outbreak that ravaged Sierra Leone, Guinea and …