Paris climate agreement News

What Are the Economic Stakes of Climate Change?

COP26 climate talks in Glasgow starting next Sunday may be the world’s best last chance to cap global warming at the 1.5-2 degrees Celsius upper limit set out in the 2015 Paris Agreement. The stakes for the planet are huge …

Greenhouse Gas Levels Hit Record in 2021 as World Fails to Cap Rising Temperatures

GENEVA/GLASGOW – Greenhouse gas concentrations hit a record last year and the world is “way off track” on capping rising temperatures, the United Nations said on Monday, showing the task facing climate talks in Glasgow aimed at averting dangerous levels …

Climate Change Could Cut Global GDP by 18% by 2050 – If Nothing Is Done: Swiss Re

If nothing is done to combat climate change, global temperatures could rise by 3.2°C within the next 30 years, shrinking the world economy by 18%, according to new research from Swiss Re, which was rolled out on Earth Day, 51 …

Analysis: Exit from Paris Agreement Creates Climate Liability for U.S. Businesses

The outcome of the U.S. general election is not yet clear. What’s been obvious for months is that climate change was on the ballot, and the U.S. election matters for global climate action. And one thing is certain: The U.S. …

U.S. Officially Becomes 1st Nation to Exit Paris Climate Pact

The U.S. has officially become the first nation to quit the Paris climate agreement, even as the outcome of the country’s presidential race remains undetermined. President Donald Trump, who’s fighting for re-election, moved to withdraw from the landmark environmental accord …

$5 Trillion Investor Group Aims to Align Portfolios with Paris Climate Agreement

Thirty of the world’s largest investors managing a combined $5 trillion said on Tuesday they plan to set targets to lower their portfolio carbon emissions by as much as 29% over the next five years. All members of the Net-Zero …

Financial Services Industry Must Act Faster on Climate Change: Bank of England Chief

Financial services have been too slow to cut investment in fossil fuels, a delay that could lead to a sharp increase in global temperatures, Bank of England Governor Mark Carney said in an interview broadcast on Monday. Carney, due to …

Oil Industry’s $50 Billion in New Projects Conflict with Paris Climate Goals: Think Tank

Major oil companies have approved $50 billion of projects since last year that will not be economically viable if governments implement the Paris Agreement on climate change, think-tank Carbon Tracker said in a report published on Friday. The analysis found …

Insurers Pressured to Drop Coverage of Canada’s Oil Sands Pipeline

A coalition of 32 environmental and indigenous groups on Thursday urged insurers to stop underwriting the Trans Mountain pipeline to pressure Canada to cancel its plan to expand the project, which carries crude from Alberta’s oil sands to British Columbia’s …

CBA Joins Other Australian Companies with Aims to Cut Coal Exposure

Commonwealth Bank of Australia became the latest company to join a global push to reduce emissions and said it would phase out its exposure to thermal coal or power plants by 2030. The company announced a new environmental and social …