passporting News

Formal Brexit Talks Likely to Be Triggered in April 2017: UK Officials

Prime Minister Theresa May’s team is still leaning toward the first part of 2017 as the best moment to trigger the start of formal talks over the U.K.’s withdrawal from the European Union, according to two British officials. While reports …

Dublin Looks to Lure Financial Services Jobs from UK After Brexit Vote

Irish recruiters are already filling jobs for financial services firms which are shifting some operations from the United Kingdom, with Dublin moving fast to steal a march on rivals just a month after Britons voted to leave the European Union. …

UK Financial Services Firms ‘Will Retain’ EU Passporting Rights: Foreign Secretary

British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said on Friday he expects the U.K. to retain the right for its financial firms to sell services across European Union member states after Britain’s exit from the bloc. Johnson, speaking to reporters in New …

Beazley to Get EU Licenses for Irish Reinsurance Business – After Brexit Vote

Lloyd’s of London’s Beazley Plc is working to get European insurance licenses for its Irish reinsurance business to allow it to operate throughout the European Union, even if Lloyd’s loses access to the bloc. Insurers are making contingency plans after …

Market Softening Slows but Rate Stabilization Is Elusive: Willis Re

The June/July 2016 renewal season has seen a continuation in market softening, though the magnitude of rate reductions is slowing, according to the latest 1st View Renewals report from Willis Re, the reinsurance business of Willis Towers Watson. Capacity withdrawals …

S&P and Fitch Chop Britain’s ‘AAA’ Rating After Brexit Vote

Britain suffered further blows to its economic standing on Monday as two top ratings agencies downgraded its sovereign credit score, judging last week’s vote to leave the European Union would hurt its economy. Standard & Poor’s stripped Britain of its …

QBE Weighs Brexit-Effect; Marsh Considers Some Brexit Scenarios

QBE Insurance Group announced this week that it will be reviewing its UK-based operations in light of last week’s vote in the UK to leave the European Union. “The referendum outcome may require a revised approach in relation to approximately …

Re/Insurance Business Leaders Begin to Comment on Post-Brexit World

The UK joined the European Union in January 1973, and yesterday, the UK public voted to leave. After 43 years of marriage, the divorce proceedings will soon begin. No one knows how long it will take for the UK to …

World Awaits Outcome of UK’s EU Referendum

Britons were voting on Thursday on whether to stay in the European Union in a referendum that could change the face of Europe and is being nervously watched by financial markets and politicians across the world. A British exit, or …

Factbox: Weighing Value of Financial Services in UK Economy on Day of Brexit Vote

Britain, Europe’s biggest financial hub, votes today on whether to stay in or leave the European Union. The country’s financial and professional services industries are considered as the most vulnerable to an exit from the 28-nation bloc although much depends …